[Solved] ApiVersion attribute not working in .NET 8 – C#

Maya Patel
.net-8.0 abstractclass asp.net-core-webapi asp.net-routing

Quick Fix: To resolve the issue, update your Asp.Versioning NuGet packages to version 8.0.0. This will ensure compatibility with .NET 8 and provide support for the ApiVersion attribute.

The Problem:

ApiVersion attribute not working in .Net 8

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Update Asp.Versioning packages to version 8.0.0

For anyone else still facing a similar issue to this .NET 8 Support is available. Simply update your Asp.Versioning packages to version 8.0.0.


What is the reason for ApiVersion attribute not working in .NET 8?

The ApiVersion attribute is no longer supported in .NET 8. Use [Asp.Versioning.ApiVersion("1.0")] instead.

How to fix the ApiVersion attribute issue in .NET 8?

Update your Asp.Versioning packages to version 8.0.0.

What is the reason for multiple routes not working in .NET 8 Swagger?

Multiple routes at both the class level and method level are no longer supported. Move the routes to the method level.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Implementing Modern API Versioning in .NET - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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