[Fixed] Chrome extension compiled by Webpack throws `unsafe-eval` error – Webpack

Ali Hasan
angular-webpack google-chrome google-chrome-extension

Quick Fix: Chrome extensions are limited by Content Security Policies. To use inline scripts, calculate the script’s SHA256 value and add it to your manifest for whitelisting.

The Problem:

You wish to use eval() in your Chrome Extension code, but you’re encountering an unsafe-eval error. Despite having granted the unsafe-eval permission in your CSP Manifest, the error persists. You’re using Webpack to compile your code, which relies on eval() for source map generation.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: WebExtensions Content Security Policy

Chrome extensions are subject to strict Content Security Policies (CSP), which disallow the use of ‘unsafe-eval’ and ‘eval’ for security reasons. Webpack, commonly used for compiling Chrome extensions, utilizes ‘eval’ for generating source maps, leading to the ‘unsafe-eval’ error.

To resolve this issue, it’s crucial to understand the CSP limitations for WebExtensions and adhere to these restrictions. Inline scripts with content like


are not permissible. Instead, you’ll need to calculate the SHA256 value of the script’s contents and add it to your manifest as an allowed script.

Solution 3: Relaxing CSP

To resolve the “unsafe-eval” error in Webpack-compiled Chrome extensions, you can relax your Content Security Policy (CSP) by adding the ‘unsafe-eval’ directive. Update your manifest.json file under the “content_security_policy” property as follows:

"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'"

Caution: While this solution allows ‘eval()’ usage, it is strongly discouraged due to its vulnerability to XSS attacks. Consider alternative approaches to handle source maps or explore browser-specific CSP overrides.

Solution 4: Use Less Verbose Source Maps

For Vue CLI-generated projects, there’s no webWebpack.config.js. Instead, add the following configuration to vue.config.js:

Webpack: {
  devtools: 'cheap-module-source-map',

Solution 5: Disable Source Maps

To quickly resolve the issue, use the `–no-devtool` flag with the Webpack CLI command:

npx webpack watch --no-devtool

This will prevent Webpack from generating source maps, which require `eval()` code and will prevent the “unsafe-eval” error.


How can I permit the use of eval() in my code (because Webpack uses this to generate source maps)?

A chrome extension is not allowed to use unsafe-eval, or eval at all in fact.

How to fix unsafe-eval error in Chrome extension compiled by Webpack?

Change the style of source mapping webpack uses. By default it uses eval. I added this to my webpack.config.js: devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map'

Is there a workaround for this unsafe-eval restriction?

For Vue CLI generated vue project, there’s no webpack.config.js, so the solution will be adding the following config into vue.config.js: configureWebpack: { devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map' }