Check monotonically increasing per row – R

Ali Hasan
.net-generic-math dataframe dplyr

Quick Fix: Use Reduce to check if each column in a data frame is monotonically increasing row-wise. The syntax is Reduce(function(x, y) { list(y, x[[2]] & (x[[1]] < y)) }, dd, init=list(dd[[1]]-1, TRUE))[[2]], where dd is the data frame.

The Problem:

Given a pandas dataframe with multiple columns, develop a function that efficiently filters each row to ensure that the values in the columns are strictly increasing from left to right, beginning with COL_1 as the first column and ending with COL_N as the last column. The function should handle dynamic columns named COL_1 to COL_N and provide a filtered dataframe that includes only rows where all the column values follow this strictly increasing pattern.

The Solutions:


Solution 1: Reduce function


To filter rows with monotonically increasing values in each column, you can utilize the Reduce function. This approach is particularly useful when you have a dynamic number of columns named "COL_1 to COL_N." In this solution, we’ll walk through the implementation step by step:

1. Define the Nested Function:
Create a nested function that takes two arguments: x and y where:

  • x represents the previous row.
  • y represents the current row.

2. Calculate the Monotonicity Check:
Inside the nested function, determine if the current row y is monotonically increasing compared to the previous row x:

  • Check if each element in the current row y is greater than the corresponding element in the previous row x.
  • Store this result in a logical vector named check.

3. Update the Result:
Combine the current row y and the monotonicity check check into a list.

4. Initialize the Reduction Process:
Initialize the reduction process with the first row of the dataframe and a logical value of TRUE. This serves as the initial condition for the reduction.

5. Apply the Reduce Function:
Use the Reduce function to apply the nested function to all rows of the dataframe. This iteratively updates the result using the previous row’s output.

6. Extract the Monotonicity Check Results:
After reduction, extract the monotonicity check results, which indicate which rows satisfy the monotonically increasing condition.

7. Subset the Dataframe:
Use the which() function to identify the indices of rows that satisfy the monotonicity check.

8. Filter the Dataframe:
Use the identified indices to filter the original dataframe, resulting in a dataframe with only monotonically increasing rows.

The Reduce function is particularly useful in this scenario as it allows you to define a custom function for row-wise operations and iteratively apply it to all rows in a dynamic manner.

Solution 2: Map+Reduce (Much Faster)

Reduce(`&amp;`, Map(`&gt;`, df[-1], df[-ncol(df)])), ]

In this solution, we use a combination of Map and Reduce functions. The Map function is applied to each row of the input dataframe, where it compares the elements of the columns from COL_2 to COL_N with the elements of the corresponding columns from COL_1 to COL_(N-1). This comparison is done using the > operator, which results in a matrix of logical values indicating whether the elements in COL_2 to COL_N are greater than those in COL_1 to COL_(N-1).

The Reduce function is then applied to this matrix of logical values. It uses the &amp; operator to combine the logical values in each row, which effectively checks if all the elements in a row are TRUE. This means that all the elements in COL_2 to COL_N are greater than those in COL_1 to COL_(N-1) for that particular row.

Finally, the resulting vector of logical values is used to subset the input dataframe, keeping only the rows where all the elements in COL_2 to COL_N are greater than those in COL_1 to COL_(N-1).

This solution offers a more compact and efficient way to check for strictly increasing values in each row of the dataframe compared to the other methods. It utilizes the Map and Reduce functions to perform the row-wise comparisons and filtering, making it a suitable choice for larger datasets.

Solution 3: Using dplyr

To filter a dataset and retain only rows with values from `COL_1` to `COL_6` strictly increasing, you can utilize dplyr in R. The following steps provide a concise solution:

  1. Subtraction of Consecutive Columns: Subtract each column value from the subsequent column to create a vector of differences for each row.
  2. Logical Comparison: Compare each element in the difference vector with zero. If all elements are greater than zero, it signifies a strictly increasing pattern. Store the logical result in a new column.
  3. Row Filtering: Use the filter() function to select rows where all values in the logical column are TRUE. These rows represent the desired strictly increasing pattern.

Suppose you have a data frame df with columns COL_1 through COL_6:
df <- data.frame( COL_1 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), COL_2 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3), COL_3 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 9, 5), COL_4 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 7), COL_5 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 9), COL_6 = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) ) ``` To obtain rows with strictly increasing values from column COL_1 to COL_6, execute the following code: ``` library(dplyr)

df %>%
diff_1_to_2 = COL_2 – COL_1,
diff_2_to_3 = COL_3 – COL_2,
diff_3_to_4 = COL_4 – COL_3,
diff_4_to_5 = COL_5 – COL_4,
diff_5_to_6 = COL_6 – COL_5,
all_increasing = (diff_1_to_2 > 0) & (diff_2_to_3 > 0) &
(diff_3_to_4 > 0) & (diff_4_to_5 > 0) &
(diff_5_to_6 > 0)
) %>%


COL_1 COL_2 COL_3 COL_4 COL_5 COL_6 diff_1_to_2 diff_2_to_3 diff_3_to_4 diff_4_to_5 diff_5_to_6 all_increasing
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 TRUE
2 7 1 3 4 5 6 0 2 1 1 1 TRUE
3 10 1 3 5 7 9 0 2 2 2 2 TRUE

As you can see, rows 2 and 3 have strictly increasing values from column COL_1 to COL_6 and are therefore retained after filtering.

Solution 4: Apply and `colSums`

This solution uses the `apply()` and `colSums()` functions to check if each row is monotonically increasing. The `apply()` function is used to apply the `diff()` function to each row of the data frame, which calculates the difference between consecutive elements in the row. The `colSums()` function is then used to sum the differences for each row, and the result is compared to the number of columns in the data frame minus one. If the sum is equal to the number of columns minus one, then the row is monotonically increasing. The following code shows how to implement this solution:

7 1 3 4 5 6 7
10 1 3 5 7 9 10

Solution 5: Using Rowwise Filtering

To filter the given dataframe and keep only monotonically increasing values from COL_1 to COL_6 using rowwise filtering, follow these steps:

  1. Use the rowwise() Function:

    • Start by using the rowwise() function on the dataframe. This function allows you to work with each row of the dataframe individually.
  2. Apply the all() Function:

    • Within the rowwise() expression, apply the all() function. This function checks if all the elements in a vector are TRUE.
  3. Use the diff() and c_across() Functions:

    • Inside the all() function, use the diff() function to calculate the differences between consecutive values in each row.
    • Combine this with the c_across() function to select all the columns from COL_1 to COL_6. This creates a vector of differences for each row.
  4. Compare the Differences to Zero:

    • Compare the vector of differences to zero using the > 0 operator. This checks if all the differences in the row are greater than zero, indicating a strictly increasing pattern.
  5. Filter the Dataframe:

    • Use the resulting logical vector from the all() expression to filter the dataframe. Only rows where all the values from COL_1 to COL_6 are strictly increasing will be kept.
  6. Ungroup the Dataframe:

    • Since you used rowwise() earlier, the dataframe will be grouped by row. To obtain the final result, use the ungroup() function to remove the grouping.


The output of this solution will be a dataframe containing only the rows where the values from COL_1 to COL_6 are strictly increasing.

  COL_1 COL_2 COL_3 COL_4 COL_5 COL_6
  &lt;int&gt; &lt;int&gt; &lt;int&gt; &lt;int&gt; &lt;int&gt; &lt;int&gt;
1     1     3     4     5     6     7
2     1     3     5     7     9    10


Can I reduce the size of the following JSON response?

Yes, you can reduce the size by removing unnecessary characters such as spaces, newlines, and indentation.

How to filter a dataframe to keep only values from COL_1 to COL_6 strictly increasing, so it would be as the following?

Use rowMeans. For example, df[rowMeans(df[-1] - df[-ncol(df)] &gt; 0) == 1, ]

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "2023 & 2022 Lexus GX Full Tutorial - Deep Dive - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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