[Fixed] Default STARTUP TCP probe failed 1 time consecutively for container "develop" on port 8080. The instance was not started – Docker

Ali Hasan
asp.net-core-8 boot2docker google-cloud-platform google-cloud-run

Quick Fix: Within the Dockerfile, set the HOST environment variable to This modification allows the container to listen for incoming connections on all available network interfaces.

The Problem:

A user is attempting to run a .NET Core 2.1 application in a Docker container on Google Cloud Functions, but the container fails to start due to a "Default STARTUP TCP probe failed 1 time consecutively" error on port 8080. The application logs indicate that it is listening on port 8080, and the Dockerfile has been provided for reference. Despite waiting for 3 minutes for a response, the Docker container eventually fails. The user seeks assistance in identifying the potential issue within the Docker configuration.


How to fix the error "Default STARTUP TCP probe failed 1 time consecutively for container "develop" on port 8080. The instance was not started"?

Add ENV HOST in your Dockerfile.

Why docker failed when the app wait 3 minutes to a response?

Because the TCP probe failed continuously.