[Fixed] Error: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components in next.js – Next.js

Alexei Petrov

Quick Fix: Separate your functional components into client-side and server-side components to resolve the async/await usage conflict. Define your server-side component in page.tsx for data fetching and pass the data as props to the client-side component, which can then utilize state and event handling capabilities.

The Problem:

In a Next.js project, when using use client in a client component within a page under the [id] directory, an error message appears: "Error: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components." This error occurs despite the page being rendered on the server-side. Removing useState and useEffect hooks resolves the issue, but essential click and loading actions that rely on these hooks cannot be implemented.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Split the code into Client & Server component

1. Create a `page.tsx` file in the `app` directory. This will be the server component where you will fetch data and pass it to the client component as parameters.
2. Create a `ClientComponent.tsx` file in the `components` directory. This will be the client component where you can have state and events if needed.
3. In the `page.tsx` file, fetch the data you need and pass it to the `ClientComponent` as a prop.
4. In the `ClientComponent.tsx` file, use `useState` and `useEffect` to manage state and events.

Solution 2: Removing the `async` Keyword

To resolve the error, remove the async keyword from the export statement of the page component. Instead of:

export default async function PipelineDesignerEditorPage(
  { params }: { params: { pipelineId: string } }
) {
  // your code here


export default function PipelineDesignerEditorPage(
  { params }: { params: { pipelineId: string } }
) {
  // your code here

This change prevents the page component from being treated as an asynchronous function, which is not supported in client components in Next.js. By removing the async keyword, the function becomes a regular synchronous function, allowing the page component to render correctly.

Solution 3: Utilize `dynamic` function from `next/dynamic` package

To resolve the error “Error: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components”, you can leverage the `dynamic` function from the `next/dynamic` package. This allows you to dynamically import components, enabling server-side rendering (SSR) and resolving the issue. Here’s an example:

const ChatWelcomeContent = dynamic(() => import("./chat-welcome-content"), {
  ssr: true,

This approach effectively addresses the error and eliminates the need for prop drilling. It provides a cleaner and more efficient solution to fetching data in the `page.tsx` file.


How can I solve this error?

Split the page into 2 components, a server component to fetch data and a client component to have state and effects.

Can we use async keyword for the function?

No, you should remove async keyword.

Is there any easy way to fetch data & use state?

Yes, you can use dynamic function from the next/dynamic package.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "TypeScript DOES NOT like Async React Server Components in ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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Hey, developers! Ahmad Awais here with a quick fix for a common issue in Next.js Server Components with TypeScript.