formatting of chat gpt responses – Formatting

Ali Hasan
chatgpt-api formatting openai-api reactjs

Quick Fix: To format the responses from ChatGPT, guide the AI using specific prompts. For instance, to format the output as an HTML table, use:

Summarize the key findings of the report in an HTML table, including the following columns:

Or, to format the output as an organized JSON object, use a prompt like:

Structure the output as a JSON object with the following structure:

The Problem:

An application is using the ChatGPT API to display responses within a React application. However, the formatting of the responses is not as desired. Specifically, when the API is instructed to provide a response in a table format, the output is distorted. Additionally, list items are displayed as paragraphs rather than separate lines. The goal is to correctly format the responses to match the formatting originally provided by ChatGPT, including proper tables and lists.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Explicit Formatting Instructions

You can guide ChatGPT to format its responses in a specific way by providing explicit formatting instructions in your prompt. For instance, you can use the following prompts:

  • HTML Table: "Provide the top 10 countries in the world in terms of population, formatted as an HTML table."
  • JSON Object: "Generate a JSON object with the top 10 countries in the world in terms of population, including the keys ‘rank’, ‘country’, and ‘population’."

Solution 2: Custom Formatting Instructions

To format ChatGPT responses according to your specific requirements, include clear instructions in your prompt. For instance:

To obtain a table format:

Return the response in a well-formatted table.

To generate a list:

Provide the list as bullet points.

ChatGPT will accommodate your formatting request and provide the response in the desired format. By providing specific instructions, you can control the presentation of the ChatGPT output and ensure it aligns with your application’s needs.

Solution 3: Handling Markdown in Responses

To format Chat-Gpt responses, you can leverage libraries that convert markdown to HTML. Here are some options:

  • Showdown: This library can be implemented in both React and non-React environments to convert markdown to HTML.
  • React-Markdown with Remark-GFM: For React applications, you can use react-markdown along with the remark-gfm plugin to handle markdown, including tables and other formatting options. See the GitHub link provided in the Answer for further guidance.

Solution 4: Customize ChatGPT’s Response Formatting

To address the formatting issues with ChatGPT responses, consider employing the following techniques:

  1. Provide Formatting Examples: In addition to requesting a specific format (e.g., HTML table), provide ChatGPT with an example of the desired output. This guides the AI and improves the chances of receiving responses in the desired format.

  2. Experiment with Models: Different ChatGPT models (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo vs. gpt-4) exhibit formatting variations. Try experimenting with multiple models to find the one that best aligns with your requirements.

  3. Adjust Temperature: Lowering the ‘temperature’ value reduces the variance of ChatGPT’s outputs. This makes it more likely to adhere to a specific formatting style.

  4. Explore Functions: Utilize the OpenAI Chat API’s "Functions" feature to create custom functions that ChatGPT can execute. Define functions that handle formatting tasks (e.g., "make a table") and trigger them in your prompts.

  5. Increase Response Options: Set the ‘n’ property in your request to a value greater than 1. This generates multiple response options, allowing you to select the one with the desired formatting.

  6. Retry Strategy: Implement code that automatically retries requests if an invalid format is returned. This helps mitigate occasional formatting errors and ensures a consistent user experience.


How can I format ChatGPT’s responses as tables or lists?

Specify the desired format in your prompt or use Markdown syntax.

Can I control the variance in ChatGPT’s outputs?

Yes, by adjusting the temperature or using Functions.

How can I handle invalid response formats?

Implement a retry strategy or use multiple response options.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How To Copy ChatGPT Ouputs In Markdown Format? - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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How To Copy ChatGPT Ouputs In Markdown Format? 3.4K views · 10 months ... ChatGPT Tutorial - A Crash Course on Chat GPT for Beginners. Adrian ...