[Fixed] Getting Error: "Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins" – React-native

Ali Hasan
expo nativewind react-native tailwind-css

Quick Fix: To resolve this error, ensure you’re using the appropriate version of Tailwind CSS and PostCSS. Update your versions and use yarn add nativewind and yarn add --dev [email protected] for installation.

The Problem:

While using tailwindcss in React Native with Nativewind, you may encounter the error "Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins". This error occurs when you try to use an asynchronous plugin with Nativewind.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Update Nativewind version and use yarn

To resolve this error, update the Nativewind version to `3.3.2` and use `yarn` instead of `npm`. Here are the steps to follow:

  yarn add nativewind
  yarn add --dev [email protected]

Solution 2: Downgrade ‘tailwindcss’ package version

The error message suggests using process(css).then(cb) to work with asynchronous plugins. To resolve this, downgrade the tailwindcss package version to 3.3.2 using the following command:

npm install [email protected] --save-dev

Solution 3: Update tailwindcss version to 3.3.2

Adjust your package.json file by replacing "tailwindcss": "^3.3.2" with "tailwindcss": "3.3.2". This will ensure that the correct version of tailwindcss is installed, resolving the asynchronous plugin issue.

Solution 4: Down-gradation of tailwindcss

It seems like the error was caused due to an incompatibility between the version of tailwindcss and the version of nativewind you were using.
To resolve this issue, you downgraded the version of tailwindcss to 3.3.2, which resolved the issue and the code started working as expected.

Solution 5: Change the tailwindcss version

Recently, the same error has been encountered in Expo SDK 49. The current solution is to change the tailwindcss version to 3.3.2.

Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Run the following command to install nativewind:
    yarn add nativewind
  2. Run the following command to install tailwindcss version 3.3.2:
    yarn add --dev [email protected]


How to solve this error: "Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins"

Downgrade the tailwindcss to 3.3.2

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How To Fix Adobe Premiere Render and Export Errors (2023 ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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In this Adobe Premiere tutorial, I show you how to fix common render and export errors! Comment below with which fix worked for you ...