[Fixed] How to fix "OSError: could not get source code" error when installing playsound? – Python

Ali Hasan
llama-cpp-python python-playsound

Quick Fix: Run the below command in command prompt/terminal to fix the issue:

pip install --upgrade wheel

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Update the wheel package

Run the following command to update the wheel package, which may resolve the "could not get source code" error:

pip install --upgrade wheel

Solution 2: Install the wheel package

You can fix this error by installing the wheel package using the following command:

pip install --upgrade wheel

This will update the wheel package to a newer version, which should resolve the issue.

Solution 3: Update setuptools and wheel

To fix this error, you can try upgrading your setuptools and wheel packages using the following commands:

pip install –upgrade setuptools wheel
pip install playsound

Solution 4: Downgrade Python Version or Use a Virtual Environment

It seems that you are using Python 3.11, while playsound 1.3.0 only supports Python versions up to 3.9. To resolve this issue, consider one of the following options:

  • Downgrade Python: Install an older version of Python that is compatible with playsound 1.3.0, such as Python 3.9 or earlier.
  • Use a Virtual Environment: Create a virtual environment (e.g., using Anaconda) to isolate your Python installations and use different versions for different projects. This allows you to run playsound 1.3.0 in a virtual environment with Python 3.9, while keeping your main Python installation at version 3.11 for other projects.

Solution 5: Install playsound from GitHub

Playsound version 1.3.0 doesn’t have a pre-built wheel (whl) file, and installing the source distribution (sdist) version (.tar.gz) using pip has a known bug. If you don’t want to wait for the bug to be fixed, you can install the fixed version directly from GitHub.

To do this, you’ll need to have Git installed on your system. Once you have Git installed, run the following command in your terminal:

pip install git+https://github.com/killjoy1221/playsound.git

This will install the fixed version of playsound from GitHub.


How to fix the error ‘OSError: could not get source code’ when installing playsound?

Try running ‘pip install –upgrade wheel’.

What’s the reason for the error ‘OSError: could not get source code’?

playsound 1.3.0 does not currently have a whl.

How to install the fixed version of playsound?

pip install git+https://github.com/killjoy1221/playsound.git

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "A Revolution in iPhone Screen Repair: Lasers! - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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