How to parse /Date(xxxx)/ in KQL? – Kql

Ali Hasan
azure-active-directory azure-powershell datetime kql

Quick Fix: The given answer uses the parse command to extract the timestamp value from the StartTime column, which is in the format of '/Date(xxxx)/'. The extracted timestamp value is then converted to a datetime value using the time_milliseconds_todatetime function and stored in a new column named ActualRequiredTime. Finally, the query projects only the ActualRequiredTime column.

The Problem:

You have a JSON file with timestamps in the format /Date(1680994874000)/. You want to parse these timestamps into a usable DateTime format in Kusto Query Language (KQL) without resorting to custom code.


Is there a built-in way to parse /Date(1680994874000)/ in KQL?

Yes, you can use the parse command to extract the date from the string.

How can I use parse command to extract date from /Date(1680994874000)/ string?

You can use the following syntax: parse StartTime with * "/Date(" StartTime1 ")/"

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Use the Year, Month, & Day Functions to Get Parts of a Date ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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In this Microsoft Access tutorial, I'm going to teach you how to get the various components of any valid date field using the Year, Month, ...