how to rate limit next.js server actions? – Next.js

Alexei Petrov
javascript next.js next.js13 node.js vercel

The Problem:

How can I rate limit a specific Next.js server action to prevent excessive requests, potential spam, or attacks?

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Rate Limit Specific Server Actions

To rate limit a specific server action in Next.js, you can leverage the same approach mentioned in the documentation for rate limiting regular requests. Since server actions issue POST requests to the same route you’re calling them from, you can apply rate limiting logic to the corresponding route using an edge middleware.

import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server';

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  if (request.method === 'POST') {
    // Apply your rate limiting logic here

export const config = {
  matcher: '/blogs/posts',

In this example, we define a middleware function that checks if the request method is ‘POST’ and applies rate limiting logic accordingly. The ‘matcher’ field in the ‘config’ object specifies the route to which this middleware will be applied. In this case, it’s ‘/blogs/posts’.

By using this approach, you can effectively rate limit specific server actions without resorting to creating separate API routes.


How can I rate limit a specific next.js server action?

Use the same approach mentioned in the docs, as server actions issue a POST request to the same route you’re calling it from.

Can I apply rate limiting logic to a specific server action?

Yes, by using a middleware that matches the route of the server action.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Nextjs 14 Rate Limiting Tutorial | Upstash Drizzle Server Actions ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

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