How to start a nuxt 3 project on a specific IP Address – Npm

Ali Hasan
nitro npm nuxt3 nuxtjs3

Quick Fix: To start a Nuxt 3 project on a specific IP address, you can set the NITRO_HOST or HOST environment variable. For development, you can use the devServer property in nuxt.config.js to specify the host and port.

The Problem:

How to specify a specific IP address for a Nuxt 3 project to listen on?

The Solutions:

Solution 2: Using Nitro Configuration

In Nuxt 3, you can configure the server host and port using the nitro configuration file. Here’s how:

  • Create a .nitro folder in your project root directory.
  • In the .nitro folder, create a file named config.yml.
  • Add the following lines to config.yml:
  host: <your-ip-address>
  port: <port-number>
  • Replace <your-ip-address> with the actual IP address of your server and <port-number> with the port number where you want to run your application.
  • Start Nuxt 3 with nitro dev.

nitro provides additional configuration options. Visit the official nitro documentation for more information.


How to set up a Nuxt 3 project to run on a specific IP Address

Use the NITRO_HOST or HOST environment variables.

Where to find more configuration options for nitro

Visit the official nitro documentation.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Build a IP Tracking App With Vue 3, Tailwind CSS & Leaflet.js ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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in this video we build an ip tracking app using vue 3 & the composition api, tailwind css & leaflet.js. We cover all the basics of setting ...