[Solved] Impeller Rendering Engine Causing Massive Latency and Memory Consumption – Ios

Ali Hasan
axios flutter ios-simulator

Quick Fix: Update the connectivity_plus dependency in your pubspec.yaml file to ^1.2.0 or higher.

The Problem:

After recently upgrading Flutter, the iPhone simulator is experiencing high memory consumption (3-5GB) when using the Impeller rendering backend. This causes massive latency and performance issues, rendering the system unusable. Disabling Impeller resolves the issue, but how can it be enabled without incurring the performance penalty?


What solved your Impeller memory issue?

Upgrading connectivity_plus to version 1.2.0 or later.

What is Impeller?

Plugin for improved rendering on Flutter 3.0.1+.

How do I disable Impeller if I have issues?

Add FLTEnableImpeller = false to your Info.plist