[Solved] Installing AGE PG16 beside Postgresql v16beta1 giving bison is missing while it is not – Postgresql

Ali Hasan
alpine-linux apache-age postgresql

The Problem:

Installing AGE PG16 alongside Postgresql v16beta1 leads to an error indicating that ‘bison’ is missing, despite having it installed. After disabling ICU support with ‘–without-icu’ during Postgresql installation, the error persists and prevents successful AGE PG16 installation.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Upgrade Bison

The installation of AGE PG16 beside Postgresql v16beta1 failed due to a mismatch in the Bison version. Postgresql v16beta1 requires a newer version of Bison than the one installed on your system. To resolve this issue, update Bison to the latest version using the following steps:

  • Run the following command:
sudo apt-get install bison
  • Verify that Bison has been updated to the latest version:
bison --version
  • Re-run the AGE PG16 installation process after updating Bison.

Solution 2: Install pkg-config

To resolve the issue where AGE PG16 installation reports ‘bison’ is missing while it is not, you need to install pkg-config, which is a tool that helps find and configure libraries on your system. On Ubuntu Linux, you can install pkg-config using the following command:

apt-get install pkgconf

Solution 3: Installing the Missing Dependencies

The error indicates that bison, a program for generating parsers, is missing during the installation of AGE PG16. Despite having bison installed, the system might not be able to locate it properly. To resolve this issue:

  • Update the system repositories using:
sudo apt-get update
  • Install bison explicitly:
sudo apt-get install bison

This should ensure that the necessary dependencies are available and the installation of AGE PG16 can proceed successfully.


Which version of bison do I need to install?

You need a new version of Bison that is compatible with Postgresql.

What do I need to install to fix the pkg-config error?

You need to install pkg-config using apt-get install pkgconf.