IntelliJ HTTP Client Is it possible to define constant global variables or shared environment variables – Http

Maya Patel
aiohttp angular-httpclient intellij-idea

Quick Fix: Using Jetbrains JetClient plugin for global variable configuration and variable access is recommended. If restricted to IntelliJ HTTP client, create a separate HTTP request and run configuration named setGlobalEnv. Set global variables using and access them as {{VariableName}} in subsequent HTTP requests.

The Problem:

In IntelliJ HTTP Client, is it feasible to define global/shared environment variables that remain constant across HTTP files and requests? The goal is to establish a centralized location for shared configurations that can be easily modified.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Using Jetclient Plugin

– Consider using the Jetclient plugin, which provides a `default` environment where you can define constant global variables. This allows you to easily share variables across multiple `.http` files and requests.

Solution 2: Using IntelliJ HTTP Client with a Custom Run Configuration

– Create a new HTTP request with an arbitrary request, such as `GET`.
– Edit the corresponding run configuration template and add a new task before launching the request.
– In this pre-launch task, run another configuration named “setGlobalEnv” to set the global variables using `“VariableName”, “VariableValue”)`.
– In subsequent HTTP requests, you can access these global variables using `{{VariableName}}` or by using `“VariableName”)` in response handlers and pre-request scripts.


Can you define global constant variables or share variables between HTTP files and requests in IntelliJ HTTP Client?

You can use the jetbrains plugin JetClient, which has a default environment.

Is there a workaround using only IntelliJ HTTP Client?

Yes, you can create a run configuration with a global variable, and then run it before other HTTP requests to set the variable.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to fix Unexpected Token in JSON error (for web developers ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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