Modular SELECT statements in Drizzle ORM – Drizzle

Ali Hasan
drizzle flasksqlalchemy next.js react-typescript

Quick Fix: Employ dynamic query building techniques to construct queries with conditional parameters. Create functions for each parameter, then apply them sequentially to build the query.

The Problem:

Design a more modular and concise way to handle various options passed to a function that queries a database using Drizzle ORM. Currently, the code includes conditional statements that handle different combinations of options, such as enabled and limit, and it may need to accommodate additional options in the future. The goal is to create a more elegant and maintainable solution that can easily adapt to new options without extensive code modifications.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Using Dynamic Query Building

To simplify the code and make it more modular, you can use dynamic query building as demonstrated in the Drizzle ORM documentation:

Here’s how you can achieve it:

  1. Define a Function for Each Parameter:

    • Create a separate function for each parameter you want to conditionally apply. For example, create a function called withLimit for the limit parameter.
    • The function should take the query builder object (qb) and the parameter value as arguments.
    • Inside the function, check if the parameter value is defined. If it is, apply the parameter to the query builder using the appropriate method (e.g., qb.limit(limit)). If it’s not defined, return the query builder object as is.
  2. Build the Query Dynamically:

    • Start by creating a query builder object using$dynamic().
    • Then, apply each function to the query builder object in the order you want the parameters to be applied. For example, qb = withLimit(qb, options.limit).
    • Finally, use await qb or qb.then to execute the query and get the result.

This approach simplifies the code, makes it more modular, and allows you to easily add new parameters in the future.


What are the potential benefits of refactoring code?

Improved readability, maintainability, and extensibility.

How can using a modular approach benefit code?

Easier maintenance, scalability, and code organization.

What challenges can arise from having a complex codebase?

Potential for bugs, difficulty in understanding and maintainability.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "This Drizzle ORM feature is a game changer! - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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