OAuth2 Authentication for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile – Kotlin

Ali Hasan
gradle-kotlin-dsl kotlin-multiplatform ktor oauth-2.0 openid-connect

Quick Fix: The Kotlin Multiplatform OpenID Connect Support library, available at https://github.com/kalinjul/kotlin-multiplatform-oidc, provides OAuth2 authentication for KMM iOS and Android.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: kotlin-multiplatform-oidc library

The "kotlin-multiplatform-oidc" library provides a solution for OAuth2 authentication in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile applications. It supports Authorization Code Flow and can be used in both iOS and Android applications. The library leverages platform-specific features like ASWebAuthenticationSession and Chrome Custom Tabs for authentication, abstracting away the platform-specific code required in your app.

To use the library, you can add it to your project as a dependency and use the provided factory to abstract the login process. This minimizes the amount of platform-specific code you need to write.

However, it’s important to note that the library is in an early stage of development and has not been tested against many IDPs.


Is there a global solution to provide an OAuth authentication for a KMM Application?

You can use the kotlin-multiplatform-oidc library to provide an OAuth authentication for your KMM application.

Do I have to implement an OAuth library for all natives?

No, you don’t have to implement an OAuth library for all natives.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Getting Started with Android Authentication using Kotlin - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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