[Fixed] Permission denied error on executing localstack init script file – Localstack

Ali Hasan
boot2docker docker-compose localstack

The Problem:

I am trying to execute a bash script using the localstack init script directory. However, I am encountering a ‘Permission denied’ error when running the localstack container. The script file is located in a volume mounted to the container’s init ready directory.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Set executable permissions for the init script file

The error "Permission denied" indicates that LocalStack does not have permission to execute the ready hook script file (/etc/localstack/init/ready.d/buckets.sh). To resolve this issue, grant executable permissions to the file:

Using chmod: Run the following command:

chmod +x /etc/localstack/init/ready.d/buckets.sh

This will set the executable permission for the specified file, allowing LocalStack to run it.

Using find (for multiple files): If there are multiple init script files, you can use the find command to set executable permissions for all of them at once:

find /path/to/folder/with/init/scripts -type f -exec chmod +x {} \;

Replace /path/to/folder/with/init/scripts with the actual path to the folder containing the init script files.


What is the root cause for Permission denied error on executing localstack init script file ?

The file is not executable, run chmod +x buckets.sh

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