[Fixed] PGAdmin 4 error: missing FROM-clause entry for table 'rel' when displaying table data in PostgreSQL 10, but not encountered with Adminer – Postgresql

Ali Hasan
adminer boot2docker composer-php pgadmin postgresql

Quick Fix: Upgrade PgAdmin to version 7.5 or downgrade it to 7.3.

The Problem:

When displaying table data in PostgreSQL 10 using PGAdmin 4, an error is encountered stating "missing FROM-clause entry for table ‘rel’". However, this issue does not occur when using Adminer.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Upgrade or Downgrade pgAdmin4

The error may be resolved by either upgrading to pgAdmin4 v7.5 or downgrading to v7.3. This issue has been resolved in the newer version and downgraded to the older version.


How to fix pgadmin4 error: missing FROM-clause entry for table ‘rel’?

Upgraded or downgraded pgadmin4 to a different version (7.5 or 7.3).

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "SQL Remove Duplicate Rows: A How-To Guide - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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Sometimes you'll be working with a database table and you'll notice some duplicate records in the table. If it's a small table, ...