Push in Angular Signals Array – Angular

Ali Hasan
angular angular-signals

The Problem:

Given an Angular application, how can you add an item to a Signal array in a concise and efficient manner, while avoiding the need to refer to the list multiple times in the code?

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Using mutate()

To push an item into a Signal array, you can use the mutate() method. This method takes a callback function as an argument, which is passed the current value of the array. You can use this function to modify the array, for example, by pushing a new item onto it.

messages = signal<Message[]>([]);

ngOnInit(): void {
   const newMessage = ...
   this.messages.mutate(values =&gt; values.push(newMessage));

In this code, the messages signal is initialized to an empty array. The ngOnInit() method pushes a new message onto the array using the mutate() method.

Solution 2: Update method to push an item into a Signal array

The update() method was introduced in Angular 17 as a replacement for the removed mutate() method. It allows for modifications to the Signal’s value while maintaining reference equality.

To push an item into a Signal array, use the following steps:

  1. Create a Signal of the desired type, e.g., signal<string[]>().
  2. Define a computed() property to display the array’s values.
  3. Use the update() method to modify the array. For example:
const arraySignal = signal<string[]>([]);

const updateArray = () => {
  arraySignal.update((arr) => {
    arr.push("New Item");
    return arr;

Solution 3: Update the Signal with New Array

To push an item into a Signal array, you can use the .update() method. This method takes a callback function as its argument, which receives the current value of the Signal. Within the callback, you can mutate the value directly, such as by pushing a new item to an array. Here’s an example:

messages = signal&lt;Message[]&gt;([]);

ngOnInit(): void {
   const newMessage = ...
   this.messages.update(values =&gt; [...values, newMessage]);

In this example, the update method is used to push a new newMessage to the messages Signal. The callback function takes the current value of the Signal (values) as input and returns a new array that includes both the original values and the new message. This new array is then updated as the new value of the Signal.


In Angular, how can we mutate an array in a Signal without replacing the entire array?

Use the .mutate method to make an internal change, like pushing a new value into an array, without replacing the entire array.

Why was the mutate() method removed from Angular Signals in version 17?

The mutate() method was removed because it could lead to unexpected behavior and was not necessary for most use cases.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Working with Arrays in Angular Signals - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

We often work with sets of data stored in an array. With the new Angular signals feature, we can work with an array as a signal.