Reload turboframe with Hotwire (Stimulus/Turbo/Rails) – Hotwire

Ali Hasan
hotwire ruby-on-rails stimulusjs

The Problem:

A user is utilizing Hotwire (Stimulus/Turbo/Rails) to implement a user search functionality in a Rails application. The user wants to dynamically update a specific TurboFrame when a search is performed, but the current approach using Stimulus isn’t triggering the redrawing of the TurboFrame. The user seeks guidance on the correct method to reload and redraw a TurboFrame after the initial rendering.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Reload with Stimulus/Turbo/Rails

To update a Turboframe and redraw it after the initial load, follow these steps:

  1. In the Stimulus controller, use the reload() method on the frame element. This will reload the frame from its current source:
reload() {
  1. Use the data-controller and data-action attributes to connect the Stimulus controller to the frame:
<%= turbo_frame_tag :reloadable, src: request.url,
  data: {
    controller: "hello",
    action: "click->hello#reload"
  1. For the search form, use data-turbo-frame to specify the frame that should be updated when the form is submitted:
<%= form_with url: "/users", method: :get,
  data: {turbo_frame: :users} do |f| %>
<% end %>
  1. In the view that renders the frame’s content, update the scope of the data displayed based on the form parameters:
  scope = User.all
  scope = scope.where(name: params[:name]) if params[:name].present?
  @users = scope

By following these steps, you can use Stimulus and Turbo to dynamically reload and update Turboframes based on user interactions or form submissions.

Solution 2: Setting Default Title

According to the Hotwire documentation, removing the loaded attribute of the <turbo-frame> DOM element will trigger the reloading action using the path specified in the src attribute. This can be easily achieved through Stimulus:

reload() {
  const {src: src} = this;
  this.src = src;


How do you reload a specific turbo frame after it’s rendered the first time?

You need some instance variables in that show action or render locals: {.. and this refers to a controller instance.

How does Hotwire manage routing?

Using data-turbo-frame on html element triggers Hotwire to handle the route.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Hotwire Tutorial: Inline Editing Using Turbo Frames - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

Turbo Frames allow you to dynamically update sections on the page in response to some action, such as clicking a link or submitting a form.