Request Context Deadline Exceeded – Request

Ali Hasan
algorithm httprequest

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Close Database Query Rows Properly

The issue occurs because the database query rows are not closed properly. When the rows are not closed, the database connection is not released, and subsequent queries may fail with the “context deadline exceeded” error. To resolve this, you should explicitly close the rows after iterating through them. Add `defer rows.Close()` after the error check in the `GetUserGroupsByUsername` function:

  rows, err := db.Query(ctx, SQL_GET_USERGROUPS_BY_USERNAME, username)
  if err != nil {
  	log.Println("Query failed at GetUserGroupsByUsername:", err)
  	return false, err
+ defer rows.Close()

By closing the rows, you ensure that the database connection is released and subsequent queries can proceed without encountering the "context deadline exceeded" error.


Why am I getting the error context deadline exceeded in my Go application?

The error context deadline exceeded in Go can be caused by open resources that need to be closed.

What is the fix for context deadline exceeded in Go?

Close resources like database connections and files explicitly to avoid context deadline exceeded, or use defer to close them automatically.

How can I create defer closure over loop variable?

Loop variables can be captured by defer closures using a function literal and anonymous function.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Understanding Contexts in Go in 5(-ish?) Minutes - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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... context interface despite this being a tutorial on contexts ... Learning Golang: Context package: Cancellations, Deadlines and Request-scoped ...