Trait is not implemented for std::string::String – Rust

Ali Hasan
rust-analyzer rust-sqlx

Quick Fix: The provided example shows a case of a std::string::String field in a struct being declared without the Option wrapper, which is required when the field may be NULL. To fix this, wrap the String type in Option as follows:

pub usenet_username: Option<String>,

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Casting the Option to a String

The error arises due to a mismatch between the `body.usenet_username` field in the query and the `usenet_username` column in the database. The `body.usenet_username` is of type `Option`, which allows for null values, while the `usenet_username` column is defined as a non-nullable `String`. To resolve this, we can cast the `Option` to a `String` using the `to_string()` method, ensuring that a non-null value is passed to the query.


usr clarified that the problem was with the User struct.

The User struct had a column that could be NULL and the type was not wrapped in Option.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Rust Stream: Iterators - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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In this stream meant for intermediate Rustaceans we go behind the scenes of iterators by implementing our own ...