[Fixed] Unity2D: How to interpret stack trace output for 'Leak Detected: Persistent allocates 2 individual allocations' error? – C#

Ali Hasan
c# memory-leaks unity-game-engine

The Problem:

When running a Unity 2D project, an error message appears: ‘Leak Detected: Persistent allocates 2 individual allocations.’ After enabling full stack traces in the project settings, a verbose output is generated, but the user is unsure how to interpret it to identify the cause of the leak.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: The error you’re encountering is a known Unity bug in the 2023 version.

Without the code or reproduction steps, it’s difficult to determine the specific cause. It’s recommended to update to the latest version of Unity (2023.2.xay or 2023.1.xby) or switch to Unity 2022 and check if the issue persists. If so, report the bug using "Help -> Report a bug" and provide reproduction steps and the call stack. Unity’s support team is responsive and will assist with bug resolution. Remember to clean up personal information before sharing logs publicly.


What does Unity2D’s error ‘Leak Detected: Persistant allocates 2 individual allocations’ signify and how can I interpret the stack trace output?

You likely encountered a software bug related to memory allocation, particularly in persistent data structures. Review the stack trace (enabled in Player Settings) for clues about the specific source of the issue.

What factors should I consider when using Unity 2023?

Unity 2023 is a prerelease version with potential bugs. If stability is crucial, consider using a more mature version or reporting bugs to Unity support.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Fix NullReferenceException in C#! (4 Step Process) - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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