[Solved] Warning: Undefined array key "margin_widescreen" – WordPress

Ali Hasan
elementor responsive wordpress

Quick Fix: Navigate to the Elementor Kit settings page, locate the "One Page Scroll" option. Disable it and refresh the page to check if the issue persists.

The Problem:

You’re facing a series of warnings related to undefined array keys while using Elementor in WordPress. Specifically, the error messages mention missing keys like "margin_widescreen", "margin_laptop", "margin_tablet", "margin_mobile", "padding_widescreen", "padding_laptop", "padding_tablet", and "padding_mobile" in the base.php file of Elementor’s CSS directory. These warnings appear during the first load of a page, but disappear upon subsequent reloads or revisits. You’ve tried increasing the memory limit for WordPress and deactivating plugins to troubleshoot the issue, but the errors persist.

The Solutions:


Solution 1: Disable One Page Scroll in ElementKits Settings


To resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Open your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Elementor Kits -> Settings.

  2. Locate the "One Page Scroll" option and disable it.

  3. Save the changes.

Once you have disabled the One Page Scroll option, the warning errors should disappear. This solution has been confirmed to work for many users experiencing the same issue with the “Undefined array key” errors in Elementor.

Solution 2: Disabling onepage scroll

If you are using the `onepage scroll` feature and do not wish to disable it, you can resolve the error by modifying the `get_page_setting` method in the `wp-content/plugins/elementskit-lite/modules/onepage-scroll/init.php` file with the following code:

public static function get_page_setting( $id ) {
    $post_id = get_the_ID();
    $page_settings_manager = \Elementor\Core\Settings\Manager::get_settings_managers( 'page' );
    $page_settings   = $page_settings_manager->get_model( $post_id )->get_data('settings');
    return isset($page_settings[$id]) ? $page_settings[$id] : false;

Alternatively, you can disable the `onepage scroll` feature to eliminate the error.

We anticipate that the ElementsKit team will release a fix for this issue in the near future.

Solution 3: Check for the existence of array keys

In the file public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/base.php, add the following code before line 778:

if ( ! isset( $values[ $control['name'] ] ) ) { return null; }

This code checks if the array key $control['name'] exists in the $values array before accessing it. If the key does not exist, the code returns null, preventing the undefined array key error from occurring.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of the code:

  • ! isset( $values[ $control['name'] ] ): This line checks if the array key $control['name'] is not set in the $values array. The isset() function is used to determine if a variable is set and is not null.
  • return null;: If the key does not exist, the code returns null. This prevents the PHP interpreter from throwing an undefined array key error.

By adding this code, you can fix the undefined array key error and ensure that your Elementor plugin works correctly.


What can cause "Undefined array key" error in Elementor?

One possible cause is using "onepage scroll" feature in ElementorKit plugin.

How to fix the error without disabling onepage scroll?

Replace the get_page_setting method in ElementorKit’s onepage-scroll module.

What is another fix for this error?

Add an if statement before line 778 in public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/base.php.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How do I fix undefined array key in php? - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

In this video, I will show you how to get rid of the undefined array key in PHP or the undefined index #php #tutorial #twg.