Where can in install the Firebase App Tester app? – Firebase

Ali Hasan
android firebase

Quick Fix: Firebase App Tester app can be installed from the in-browser prompt that appears after you accept the invite for the test release.

The Problem:

Where can I download the Firebase App Tester APK file to install on my new Android phone? Google’s documentation recommends installing the app in Step 2 of the setup process for testers, but does not provide a link or instructions on how to obtain the app. The tester has already accepted the invitation on an old device and is now unable to re-invite themselves to get the download link.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Install from the invite email link

When you receive an invite email for the test release, click on the link in the email on the device you want to install the Firebase App Tester app on. This will prompt you to install the app. Please note that this needs to be done first time when you set up the target phone.

Solution 2: Re-Invite within Firebase App

If you have already accepted an invitation and are unable to find the App Tester app on your new device, you can resolve this issue by following these steps:

  1. Re-invite yourself to the Firebase app.
  2. Click on the “Get Started” button in the email you received from Firebase.
  3. Ensure that the web view is set to display in mobile version, not desktop mode.
  4. After making this adjustment, you will see a prompt to download the App Tester app.


Where can in install the Firebase App Tester app?

In the invite email for the test rlease, you will be prompted to install it, or download the Firebase App Tester app from the in-browser prompt that appears after you accept the invite.

Same question as before

Reinvite in firebase app. I got email from firebase – clicking on GetStarted button started webview (unfortunately in desktop mode and it was the problem). I had to setup to start it as mobile version. After that prompt to download app finaly appears.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Introducing Firebase App Distribution - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

Introducing Firebase App Distribution, built as the next evolution of Fabric's Crashlytics Beta, gives you the ability to manage all of your ...