Xcode 15 Integration (Source Control) – Xcode

Alexei Petrov
xcode xcode15

Quick Fix: You can enable two buttons – the "Show Assistant Editor" and "Autohide" button from the top right of the Xcode to get a similar side by side view like before.

The Problem:

In Xcode 15’s source control, the "Stage all" button no longer functions as expected. Users can no longer stage all modified files with a single click and must manually select and stage each file individually. This change has caused inconvenience and hinders the workflow of developers who are accustomed to the previous behavior of the "Stage all" button.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Enable Side-by-Side and Stage All

Enable the "Side-by-Side" and "Stage All" buttons in Xcode 15 to restore the previous workflow.

  1. Open the Xcode project and navigate to the "Source Control" tab.
  2. Locate the "Stage All" button and ensure it is enabled.
  3. Find the "Side-by-Side" button and make sure it is also enabled.
  4. Now, you should be able to select multiple files and stage them all at once, just like in previous versions of Xcode.

By enabling these buttons, you can restore the side-by-side comparison feature and the ability to stage all files with a single click, which can streamline your source control workflow in Xcode 15.


Why is "Stage all" not working in Xcode 15?

It might be a bug or user error.

How to achieve similar side by side as before in Xcode 15?

Enable the "Compare Content" and "Show Source Control Changes" buttons.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Xcode 15 makes easier to work with Git and Source control - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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swift #swiftui #xcode #Xcode15 #ios This video covers the improvements that came to Xcode 15 to handle git repositories and source control.