[Solved] 'Cannot redefine property: __internal__deprecationWarning' in a Shopify Hydrogen project – Reactjs

Maya Patel
react-typescript reactjs shopify-hydrogen

Quick Fix: Utilize NVM to switch to an earlier Node.js version. Install NVM, determine the current version, and downgrade by utilizing the ‘nvm install’ command. Afterwards, enable the downgraded version using ‘nvm use’.

The Problem:

A developer encounters the "Cannot redefine property: __internal__deprecationWarning" error while working on a Shopify Hydrogen project built with Remix and TypeScript. Despite reverting to earlier commits, updating dependencies, and reinstalling packages, the issue persists. The error occurs when running "npm run dev" and prevents the application from launching properly.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Downgrade Node.js Version

It seems that the issue is related to an incompatibility between your current version of Node.js and the Babel packages you are using. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. If you have not already done so, install NVM (Node Version Manager) to easily manage and switch between different versions of Node.js.
  2. Check your current Node.js version using the command “node –version”.
  3. Install an older version of Node.js using the command “nvm install [version]”, where “[version]” is the version you want to downgrade to. For example, you might try installing Node.js version 20.5.1 by running the command “nvm install 20.5.1”.
  4. Once the older version of Node.js is installed, activate it using the command “nvm use [version]”, where “[version]” is the version you just installed. This will set the active Node.js version to the older version.

After taking these steps, you should try running your Shopify Hydrogen project again to see if the error still occurs. If the error no longer occurs, then the issue was likely caused by a compatibility issue between the newer version of Node.js and the Babel packages. You can then continue using the older version of Node.js for your project.


What is the source of the error?

The error is caused by a version mismatch between Node.js and the installed packages.

What is the solution to the error?

Downgrade to an older version of Node.js using a version manager like NVM.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Meet the YouTuber Who Solved Shorts (Jenny Hoyos Interview ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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