Android app development, with Visual Studio Code – Android

Ali Hasan
android visual-studio-code

Quick Fix: Refer to this thread.

  • Install Java JDK and SDK tools.

  • Configure environment variables like ANDROID_HOME, PATH, etc.

  • Install useful extensions in VS Code like Android Id, Android iOS Emulator Id, and Android System Tools Id.

The Problem:

Problem Statement:

The user wants to develop Android mobile applications using Visual Studio Code without installing Android Studio. The user has the Node.js, Java, and Python environments set up but lacks knowledge of integrating them with Visual Studio Code for Android app development. The user requires guidance on the necessary steps to create and build Android apps using Visual Studio Code.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Android development in Visual Studio Code

To create and build Android apps in Visual Studio Code without Android Studio, follow these steps:

  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK).
  • Download the command-line SDK tools and extract them to a folder (e.g., ~/android).
  • Configure environment variables:
    • Set ANDROID_HOME to the path of the extracted SDK tools folder.
    • Add the tools path to PATH environment variable.
  • Use the sdkmanager to install necessary packages (e.g., platform-tools, platforms;android-29, build-tools;29.0.2, emulator).

Additionally, install the following extensions in Visual Studio Code for enhanced development:

  • Android Id (debugging support)
  • Android iOS Emulator Id (emulator/simulator control)
  • Android System Tools Id (syntax support for system development files)

Solution 2: Install Necessary Prerequisites

To develop Android apps using Visual Studio Code without Android Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Install Visual Studio Code: Ensure you have Visual Studio Code installed.

  2. Install Java Development Kit (JDK): Download and install the JDK from the official website.

  3. Install Android SDK without Android Studio:

    • Visit the Android Command Line Tools page and download the SDK for your operating system under "Command-line tools only."
    • Extract the downloaded SDK to a desired location on your computer.
  4. Configure Environment Variables for Android SDK (Windows only): Set the following environment variables:

    • ANDROID_HOME: Path to the extracted Android SDK directory
    • PATH: Include the path to the Android SDK’s platform-tools and tools subdirectories
  5. Install Visual Studio Code Extensions: Install the following extensions:

    • Kotlin language
    • Android XML
    • Android Snippets
    • Debugger for Java

Solution 3: Android Studio

Despite the limitations posed by ARM MAC OS, the most reliable method for developing Android apps without using Android Studio remains questionable. However, if avoiding additional IDEs is a priority, consider the following workarounds:

1. Using Command-Line Tools:

  • Install Android SDK Platform Tools: brew install android-platform-tools
  • Install Android SDK Command-Line Tools: brew install android-sdk

2. Using Third-Party IDEs:

  • IntelliJ IDEA with Android Studio Plugin: IntelliJ IDEA provides a robust Java development environment with an optional Android Studio plugin that enables Android app development.
  • Visual Studio Code with Android Development Tools Extension: Visual Studio Code offers an extension, "Android Development Tools," that supports basic Android app development features.

Note: While these workarounds may provide some functionality, they may not offer the same level of support and features as Android Studio.


How could I still create and build android apps using Visual Studio Code without Android Studio

Get the Android command line tools to run Android tools without Android Studio and set up your environment variables for Android

I’m unable to run the android command on my Arm MAC OS

The android command has been deprecated, use Android Studio for manual management or use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager for command-line tools

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Install the Java Development Kit, Android OS without Android Studio, and some recommended Visual Studio Code extensions for Android development

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Mobile Development with Visual Studio 2022(Getting Started ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

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