Cannot find module '@material-tailwind/react/utils/withMT' – Javascript

Ali Hasan
react-typescript reactjs tailwind-css

Quick Fix: Require the module directly from the source folder using the code :
const withMT = require(‘@material-tailwind/react/src/utils/withMT’);

The Problem:

The user is trying to use the @material-tailwind/react package in their Vite React-TS project, but they are getting a TypeScript error: ‘Cannot find module ‘@material-tailwind/react’ or its corresponding type declarations.’. The user has installed the package and configured their tailwind.config.js and main.tsx files, but the error persists.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Downgrade or Use Require

Install a compatible version of the @material-tailwind/react package, such as v2.0.6 or older. Alternatively, you can use the require() function to import the necessary module instead of the default import syntax:

// Require the withMT function
const withMT = require('@material-tailwind/react/src/utils/withMT');

Solution 2: Use new path

In version 2.1.8 and above, the path to `withMT` has changed. The correct path is now:

import withMT from '@material-tailwind/react/lib/withMT';


What is the easiest way to fix ‘Cannot find module ‘@material-tailwind/react/utils/withMT”?

Downgrade the package to v2.0.6

What could be the other possible way to fix ‘Cannot find module ‘@material-tailwind/react/utils/withMT”?

Use this way const withMT = require(‘@material-tailwind/react/src/utils/withMT’);

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Error: Cannot find module || nodejs error solved 2023 - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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nodejserror #Require stack #Cannot find module #Error: Cannot find module In this video we are going to solve Error: Cannot find module on ...