cannot import name 'Dataset' from 'mlflow.entities' – Mlflow

Alexei Petrov
azure-active-directory llama-cpp-python mlflow

Quick Fix: Update mlflow package to a version that includes the Dataset class. For example, version 2.6.0 introduces the Dataset class.

The Problem:

A user created a pipeline with components in Azure ML Studio (SDK2) and is encountering an ImportError when trying to run it. The error suggests that the ‘Dataset’ class cannot be imported from ‘mlflow.entities’. The user had created an environment in which mlflow version 1.26.1 was installed. Additionally, they had utilized a code sample from the official GitHub repository, which functioned without issues initially. Despite attempts to remove compute, remove the environment, and alter the mlflow version in the environment, the error persists.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Use a compatible version of mlflow

The issue arises because the Dataset class is not available in the version of mlflow that you’re using (1.26.1). To resolve this, you can upgrade to a later version of mlflow that includes the Dataset class.

The recommended version to use is mlflow 2.6.0, which provides the Dataset class and is compatible with Python 3.6 and above.

To install this version of mlflow, run the following command:

pip install mlflow==2.6.0

Once you have installed the correct version of mlflow, the Dataset class should be available for you to import without encountering the error.


What is the likely cause of the error related to importing ‘Dataset’ from ‘mlflow.entities’?

The specified mlflow version (1.26.1) may not have the ‘Dataset’ class in ‘mlflow.entities’.

What is the suggested solution to resolve the error?

Upgrade to a later version of mlflow, such as 2.6.0, where the ‘Dataset’ class is available.

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