Chrome Autofill causes textbox collision for Textfield Label and Value – Html

Ali Hasan
css-loader google-chrome html material-ui reactjs

Quick Fix: Implement a handler for each input’s onAnimationStart event, then check if the animationName is 'mui-auto-fill' and if the input has a '-webkit-autofill' pseudo class to determine if the browser has auto-filled the field. Also, handle the 'mui-auto-fill-cancel' case for scenarios where the form is auto-filled and the user clears the values.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Handle onAnimationStart Event

To resolve the collision issue between the MUI TextField Label and value during initial page load, you can handle the onAnimationStart event for each input field. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

  1. Create a State Variable: For each input field, create a state variable to track whether it has a value. This variable will be used to control the shrink property of the InputLabelProps.

  2. Define an Event Handler: Define an event handler function for the onAnimationStart event. This function will check if the animation name is "mui-auto-fill" and if the input has a "-webkit-autofill" pseudo-class, indicating that the browser has auto-filled the field.

  3. Set the shrink Value: Inside the event handler function, set the shrink property of the InputLabelProps to true if the field has a value, either from user input or auto-fill. This will ensure that the label shrinks when the field has a value.

  4. Handle the Cancel Case: Additionally, handle the "mui-auto-fill-cancel" animation name in the event handler function. This case occurs when the user clears the auto-filled values. In this scenario, set the shrink property to false to reset the label positioning.

  5. Use the Event Handler: Assign the event handler function to the onAnimationStart event of the input field.

Here’s an example implementation of this solution:

// Create a state variable for each input field
const [passwordHasValue, setPasswordHasValue] = React.useState(false);

// Event handler function for each input field
const makeAnimationStartHandler = (stateSetter) => (e) => {
  const autofilled = !!"*-webkit-autofill");
  if (e.animationName === "mui-auto-fill") {
  if (e.animationName === "mui-auto-fill-cancel") {

// Usage in your component
return (
      onAnimationStart: makeAnimationStartHandler(setPasswordHasValue),
      shrink: passwordHasValue,
    onChange={(e) => {

With this approach, the label will shrink correctly when the input field has a value, whether it’s entered manually or auto-filled by the browser. The label will also reset when the user clears the auto-filled values.

Solution 2: AutoFillAwareTextField Component

The provided solution introduces a custom reusable React component called AutoFillAwareTextField. This component enhances the default TextField from MUI to address the issue of Chrome autofill causing collision between the label and value.

Key aspects of the AutoFillAwareTextField component:

  • It accepts all the same props as the regular TextField component, but with additional props for handling autofill behavior.
  • It uses the useState and useCallback React hooks to manage the state of the component.
  • It defines a custom event handler called makeAnimationStartHandler that listens for the animationstart event on the input field. This event is triggered when the browser starts the autofill animation.
  • When the animationstart event occurs, the makeAnimationStartHandler checks if the input field is autofilled by inspecting the matches property of the event target. If the field is autofilled, it sets the fieldHasValue state to true. This state change triggers the label to shrink, accommodating the autofilled value.
  • It also defines a custom onChange handler that updates the underlying state of the component and sets the fieldHasValue state to true when the user types in the input field.

To use the AutoFillAwareTextField component in your React application:

  • In your component, import the AutoFillAwareTextField component from the module where it is defined.
  • Replace your existing TextField components with the AutoFillAwareTextField component.
  • Pass the necessary props such as label, value, and onChange handler to the component.

By using the AutoFillAwareTextField component, you can ensure that the label shrinks appropriately when Chrome autofills the input field, preventing the collision between the label and value. This provides a better user experience and prevents visual glitches.


Can I fix Chrome Autofill causing Textfield’s label and value collision by overriding Mui stylesheet?

It’s not a good approach to override MUI styles. Use animation hooks to handle auto-filling instead.

How can I handle Chrome Autofill issue without disabling autofill or shrink feature?

You can use onAnimationStart event listener with animationName and -webkit-autofill to detect autofill.

Can you provide an example that solves the Chrome Autofill issue and label shrinking problem in React with Material UI?

Yes, you can import a package that uses React’s useState and useCallback hooks to handle autofill.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to add Place Autocomplete input to a map in React - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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