Combining Server Components and Client Components in Next.JS – Reactjs

Ali Hasan
next.js13 react-hooks reactjs

Quick Fix: Server components cannot be nested within client components. Instead, pass the server component as a prop to a client component, ensuring that the parent of the client component is also a server component.

The Problem:

Unable to combine server components and client components in a Next.JS application. Encountering an error when using ‘use client’ in a client component that calls a server component, resulting in an ‘async/await is not supported in Client Components’ error.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Use Client Component as a Child of Server Component

You cannot directly nest a server component inside a client component. Instead, you can pass the server component as a prop to the client component, and the parent of the client component must be a server component. This ensures that the server component is rendered on the server and can access server-side functionality.


Error: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components

You can’t add a server component as a child to client component, at least not like this.

How to pass a server component as a prop to client component?

The parent of client component needs to be a server component.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "React Server Components (with Next.js Demo) - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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React Server Components allow developers to build apps that span the server and client, combining the rich interactivity of client-side apps ...