Disable paste protection in Chrome DevTools? – Google-chrome

Alexei Petrov
copy-paste google-chrome google-chrome-devtools

Quick Fix: To disable paste protection in Chrome DevTools, navigate to Settings > Experiments and toggle off the option labeled "Show warning about Self-XSS when pasting code."

The Problem:

In recent versions of Google Chrome, the developer console has a frustrating issue that prevents pasting content into the console. This is a major inconvenience for developers who rely on the console for debugging and analysis. The inability to paste code or text into the console hinders productivity and makes it challenging to perform tasks such as inspecting elements, evaluating expressions, and running scripts. This issue may prompt developers to consider switching browsers to find a solution, which can be a disruptive and undesirable outcome.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Toggle the Experimental Feature.

In recent versions of Google Chrome, pasting into the developer console may be disabled due to an experimental feature called “Show warning about Self-XSS when pasting code.” To disable this feature and restore pasting functionality:

  1. Open the DevTools panel in Chrome.

  2. Click the Settings icon (three dots) in the top-right corner of the DevTools panel.

  3. Select "Experiments" from the menu.

  4. Locate the experiment named "Show warning about Self-XSS when pasting code."

  5. Disable the checkbox next to the experiment name to turn it off.

  6. Close the Settings panel and reload the page.

After following these steps, you should be able to paste text into the developer console without encountering the paste protection restriction.


Protection paste in DevTools on Google Chrome?

Disable "Show warning about Self-XSS when pasting code" in Experiments.

Chrome disable paste protection in the DevTools?

Enable "allow pasting" message when pasting code into the DevTools.

How to allow paste protection in DevTools?

Disable "Show warning about Self-XSS when pasting code" by navigating to Settings > Experiments.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Paste into web page fields that prevent copy and paste ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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This video provides further insights and detailed explanations related to the content discussed in the article.