[Fixed] ERROR: Could not build wheels for lxml, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects – Python

Ali Hasan
android-multi-module llama-cpp-python python-3.x yfinance

Quick Fix: Upgrade setuptools to resolve this error. Use the following commands:

pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install lxml

The Problem:

A user is attempting to install the ‘yfinance’ module using Visual Studio Code, but encounters the error message: ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘yfinance’.’ Upon further troubleshooting, they discover a separate error message: ‘ERROR: Could not build wheels for lxml, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects’.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Update Setuptools and Install lxml

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Upgrade setuptools using the pip command:
    pip install –upgrade setuptools
  • Install the lxml package with pip:
    pip install lxml

This should allow you to successfully install the yfinance package without encountering the “Could not build wheels for lxml” error.

Solution 2: Install lxml 4.8

To resolve this issue, you can try installing lxml 4.8 instead of lxml 4.9. Version 4.9 seems to have compatibility issues, while version 4.8 has been reported to work properly. To install lxml 4.8, run the following command:

 pip install lxml==4.8.0

Solution 3: Update Python to 3.11

Updating Python to version 3.11 has been found to resolve the issue. Run the following command to update Python:

brew update && brew install [email protected]

Solution 4: Resolving Xcode Command Line Tools Issues

The error typically occurs when Xcode Command Line Tools are not installed correctly or certain paths are missing or broken. To address this:

  1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools:
$ xcode-select --install
  1. Reset Xcode Command Line Tools (if necessary):

If you encounter an error stating that Command Line Tools are already installed, reset them using:

$ sudo xcode-select --reset
  1. Install lxml Separately:

After updating or installing Xcode Command Line Tools, attempt to install lxml independently to check if the issue is resolved:

$ pip install lxml


How to fix ERROR: Could not build wheels for lxml, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Upgrade setuptools using pip install –upgrade setuptools and then pip install lxml.

How to fix ERROR: Could not build wheels for lxml, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Try to install lxml 4.8 instead of lxml 4.9. Version 4.9 has this issue.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Could not build wheels for mysqlclient, which is required to install ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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This video provides further insights and detailed explanations related to the content discussed in the article.