[Fixed] Error: Page "/api/auth/[…nextauth]" is missing "generateStaticParams()" so it cannot be used with "output: export" con – Javascript

Alexei Petrov
javascript next-auth next.js reactjs

Quick Fix: When utilizing NextAuth for authentication within a dynamic site, eliminate the "output: "export" setting from the nextConfig file. This enables the dynamic authentication process, which cannot be pre-rendered during static site generation.

The Problem:

When building a Next.js project with a page that handles authentication using next-auth, an error message stating "Error: Page "/api/auth/[…nextauth]" is missing "generateStaticParams()" so it cannot be used with "output: export" config." appears. This issue arises due to the combination of using the output: export configuration and a page that does not have a generateStaticParams() function, which is necessary for static export with certain page types.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Remove output: "export" from nextConfig file

If you are not building a static site, then you can remove the output: "export" configuration from the next.config.js file. This will enable the dynamic rendering of the /api/auth/[...nextauth] page, allowing it to be used for authentication purposes.

The authentication process is dynamic in nature and relies on server-side operations to verify user credentials and maintain session state. Therefore, it cannot be pre-rendered or exported as a static page.

By removing the output: "export" configuration, you are allowing Next.js to handle the rendering of the /api/auth/[...nextauth] page dynamically, ensuring that the authentication process functions correctly.

Here’s an updated version of your next.config.js file without the output: "export" configuration:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {}

module.exports = nextConfig

This modification should resolve the error you were encountering and allow the authentication process to work as intended.


What is the cause of the error?

Output config is set to export which is for static pages.

Possible solution?

Remove output config or build with output static.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Fix Google Search Console Error Page indexing Not found 404 ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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This video provides further insights and detailed explanations related to the content discussed in the article.