Foreign key constraints not allowed using Drizzle ORM – Orm

Ali Hasan
angular-forms drizzle react-typescript vitess

Quick Fix: Drizzle ORM does not support foreign key constraints when using PlanetScale’s sharding feature. As a workaround, you can generate unique IDs using a Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) library or implement your own solution using a millisecond timestamp and a random number. Store these IDs as two 64-bit BigInt words and use them as primary keys instead of auto-incremented values.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Use a Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) or LinearID (LID)

In PlanetScale’s sharded database system, auto-incremented primary keys lose their uniqueness, making them unsuitable as foreign keys. Instead, you can use a ULID or LID to generate unique IDs for your rows.


A ULID is a 128-bit identifier that includes a millisecond timestamp and random data, ensuring that values are sequentially sortable. Here’s how to use the ulid package:

import { monotonicFactory } from 'ulid';

const ulid = monotonicFactory();
const id = ulid();


The linearid package provides a similar solution, but it stores the timestamp and random data in two 64-bit words, allowing for more efficient storage and retrieval.

import { LID } from 'linearid';

const id = LID();

These unique IDs can be used as primary keys and foreign keys in your Drizzle ORM tables.


Why foreign keys are not allowed on PlanetScale? What are the possible solutions to this problem?

I ran into an error while using foreign keys in my PlanetScale database. I found that foreign keys are not allowed on PlanetScale to avoid data inconsistencies and ensure database performance. To address this, you can explore solutions such as using a unique ID generation system like ULID or LID (linear ID) to create unique identifiers for your rows, making them searchable through indexes.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "TypeORM Relations Tutorial - FULL details! - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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