Ho to download file in Angular – Angular

Ali Hasan
angular react-typescript

Quick Fix: Implement the following steps to download a file in Angular:

  1. Create a new Blob object with the response data and MIME type.
  2. Create a URL for the Blob object using window.URL.createObjectURL().
  3. Create an <a> element, set the href to the URL, and download to the desired file name.
  4. Trigger a click event on the <a> element to initiate the download.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Create a Blob object and trigger a click event

In Angular, you can download a file with the following steps:

  1. Create a new Blob object using the Blob constructor. The first argument to the constructor is an array of data to include in the Blob, and the second argument is an object specifying the MIME type of the file.

  2. Create a URL for the Blob object using the window.URL.createObjectURL() method.

  3. Create an <a> element, set the href attribute to the URL, and the download attribute to the desired file name.

  4. Trigger a click event on the <a> element to initiate the file download.

Solution 3: Download file in Angular using HTML5 ‘download’ attribute

This solution involves using the HTML5 `download` attribute to download a file in Angular.

<! -- angular -->
Download Now


  1. In app.component.html add the above code.
  2. Create an assets folder in the src folder and store the file you want to download in it.


How to download a file in Angular?

Create a new Blob object with the response data and specify the type of the file, then create a URL for the Blob object and set the href attribute of an anchor element to the URL. Finally, trigger a click event on the anchor element to initiate the download.

What is the best way to download a file using Angular?

The best way to download a file using Angular is to use the HttpClient module to make a request to the server and then use the Blob() constructor to create a Blob object from the response data. Once you have a Blob object, you can use the URL. createObjectURL() method to create a URL for the Blob object. Finally, you can use the anchor element’s download attribute to download the file.

How can I download a file without creating an anchor element?

You can download a file without creating an anchor element by using the FileSaver.js library. This library provides a simple API for saving files in the browser.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Angular File Download From API | Download File Using Angular ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

Angular File Download From API | Download File Using Angular This video has demonstration of downloading file using angular from Rest API.