How can i automatically insert the current user_id after submitting a form in Filament v3.0 – Php

Alexei Petrov
composer-php laravel laravel-filament

The Problem:

How to pass the current user’s ID to a database entity after submitting a form in Filament v3 automatically.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Accessing the Current User’s ID for Automatic Insertion

In FilamentPHP v3, you can automatically insert the current user’s ID into a database record upon form submission by implementing a mutation on the create page of the resource in question. This solution provides a straightforward approach for capturing the user’s ID and setting it as a field value before creating a new record:

  1. Edit the Create Page:

    • Navigate to the create page of the resource where you want to automatically insert the user ID. The create page is typically located in the ./app/Filament/Resources/MyResource/Pages/CreateMyResource.php file.
  2. Implement mutateFormDataBeforeCreate Method:

    • Within the create page class, define a mutateFormDataBeforeCreate method. This method will be executed just before the form data is used to create a new record in the database.
  3. Capture and Set User ID:

    • Inside the mutateFormDataBeforeCreate method, use the auth()->id() function to retrieve the current authenticated user’s ID.
    • Assign the captured user ID to the user_id field in the form data array. This will effectively set the user ID as a field value before creating the new record.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to implement this solution:


namespace App\Filament\Resources\MyResource\Pages;

use Filament\Resources\Pages\CreateRecord;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class CreateMyResource extends CreateRecord
    protected function mutateFormDataBeforeCreate(array $data): array
        $data['user_id'] = Auth::id();

        return $data;

With this implementation, the current user’s ID will be automatically populated as a field value before creating a new record in the database. This ensures that the creator of the record is properly recorded.

Solution 2: Model Events

You can utilize model events in your event service provider to automatically insert the current user’s ID when creating or updating a database entity.

Event Service Provider:

 * Register any events for your application.
public function boot(): void
    // Blog model event: Saving
    Blog::creating(function($blog) {
        $blog->created_by = auth()->id();

    // Blog model event: Updating
    Blog::updating(function($blog) {
        $blog->updated_by = auth()->id();

In this example, we’re handling both the creating and updating events for the Blog model. When a new blog is being created, the created_by field is set to the ID of the currently authenticated user. Similarly, when a blog is updated, the updated_by field is updated with the current user’s ID.

Solution 3: Using an Eloquent Observer

Laravel Eloquent Observers are a great way to perform actions on a model before or after an event, such as creating or updating. To automatically insert the current user ID after submitting a form in Filament, you can create an observer for the model that will set the user ID before the model is created:

class PostObserver
  public function creating(Post $post)
    if (!isset($post-&gt;user_id) &amp;&amp; auth()-&gt;check()) {
      $post-&gt;user_id = auth()-&gt;id();

To register the observer, add it to the observers array in the model class:

protected static function boot()


Now, whenever a new Post model is created, the observer will automatically set the user ID before the model is saved to the database.

Solution 4: Making use of the ‘Hidden’ component to automatically pass the current user_id

To automatically insert the current user_id after submitting a form in Filament v3.0, you can take advantage of the Hidden component. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the solution:

  1. Importing the Hidden Component:
  2. Start by importing the Hidden component from the Filament namespace. This component allows you to create hidden fields in your form that hold values without displaying them to the user.

    use Filament\Forms\Components\Hidden;
  3. Creating a Hidden Field for the User ID:
  4. Next, create a hidden field in your form using the Hidden component. Assign the field a name that corresponds to the column in your database where you want to store the user_id.

  5. Setting the Default Value:
  6. To automatically insert the current user’s ID, use the default() method on the hidden field. Pass it a closure that returns the current user’s ID.

    Hidden::make('user_id')->default(fn () => Filament::auth()->id());
  7. Adding the Hidden Field to Your Form:
  8. Finally, add the hidden field to your form by including it in your $form variable, which is responsible for defining the fields in your form.

    $form = Form::make()
            Hidden::make('user_id')->default(fn () => Filament::auth()->id()),
            // Other form fields...

With this setup, when a user submits the form, the hidden ‘user_id’ field will automatically contain the current user’s ID, which will be inserted into the database along with the other form data.


How i can automatically insert the current user_id after submitting a form in Filament v3.0?

Edit the create Page of the specific resource and add a method to mutate the form data before it is created.

Is it possible to insert the auth user id to table

Yes, you can use the model event in the event service provider.

Can use observers for the model?

Yes, you can create an observer for the model.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "”Filament", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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This video provides further insights and detailed explanations related to the content discussed in the article.

– YouTube” description=”Today we’re looking at a package that gained a lot of popularity in Laravel community in recent months: Filament …”]