How to change the port for Supabase self-hosted Docker service when port 4000 is already allocated? – Docker

Ali Hasan
boot2docker supabase

Quick Fix: To utilize a different port for Supabase Analytics, specify a distinct port in the docker-compose.yaml file, making it accessible on that specific port while resolving potential port conflicts.

The Problem:

I am encountering an error when attempting to run a self-hosted Supabase analytics service using Docker due to port 4000 being already allocated. Provide instructions on how to change the port for the Supabase analytics service in my Docker configuration to resolve this port conflict.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Change Supabase Analytics Port in Docker Configuration

Update the docker-compose.yaml file to change the port of Supabase analytics service:


      - 4001:4000  # Change 4000 to a port that is not already in use.


This will map port 4001 on your VPS to port 4000 inside the Supabase Analytics container.

Update environment variables in other services to point to the new port:

      LOGFLARE_URL: http://analytics:4001  # Change 4000 to 4001.


This will ensure that other services, such as Studio, can communicate with the Supabase Analytics service on the new port.

Restart your Docker containers:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

This will bring down and then restart all of the Supabase services, including the Analytics service, using the new port configuration.

Test the changes:

  • Visit the Supabase Studio interface and check if it can successfully connect to the Analytics service.
  • Check the logs of the Analytics container to verify that it is listening on the new port.

Additional Considerations:

  • If you have any custom scripts or applications that rely on the Supabase Analytics service, make sure to update them to use the new port.
  • If you are using a firewall or other security mechanisms, ensure that the new port is allowed for inbound and outbound traffic.


How to resolve the port conflict when port 4000 is already in use for Supabase analytics service in a self-hosted Docker environment?

Change the port for the Supabase analytics service in the docker-compose.yaml file and update dependent environment variables accordingly.