how to query items from useRouter() hock in case i'm using nextjs with App Router approach – Reactjs

Ali Hasan
next.js next.js13 nextjs-dynamic-routing react-typescript reactjs

Quick Fix: use client directive on top of the file to use useRouter when using App Router approach in Next.js. useRouter only works on client-components. Also, the query object is replaced by useSearchParams in the latest versions of Next.js.

The Problem:

In Next.js applications using the App Router approach, how can I access query parameters from the useRouter hook?

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Use the ‘use client’ directive

To use `useRouter` in a server-component, add the `’use client’` directive at the top of the file. This indicates that the component should only be rendered on the client-side, where `useRouter` is available.

Here’s the updated code:

import { useRouter } from “next/navigation”;

import React from "react";

function ShowroomListings() {
// Add the ‘use client’ directive to indicate that this component should only be rendered on the client-side
use client;

const router = useRouter();
const = router.query as ;


This is item No.


export default ShowroomListings;

<h3>Solution 2: Use the 'useSearchParams' hook</h3>
  Since Next.js version 13, the `query` object has been removed and replaced by the `useSearchParams` hook. This hook provides a more flexible way to manage URL search parameters.
  Here's how you can use the `useSearchParams` hook to get the `listingId` parameter:
import { useSearchParams } from "next/navigation";

import React from "react";

function ShowroomListings({}) {
  const [searchParams] = useSearchParams();
  const listingId = searchParams.get("listingId");

  return <div>This is item No. {listingId}</div>;

export default ShowroomListings;

Solution 2: Using useSearchParams and client component

Since useRouter is a client-side hook, it cannot be used in server components. To access query parameters from an App Router component, you should:

  1. Make the component a client component using use client.
  2. Use the useSearchParams hook to access the query parameters.
  3. Obtain the specific query parameter using params.get("query-parameter-name").

Solution 3: Use Params object

When using the App Router approach in Next.js, you can access query parameters using the `params` object instead of `query`. Here’s an updated code snippet that should work:

import React from "react";

type ShowroomProps = {
  params: {
    listingId: string;

export default function ShowroomListings({
  params: { listingId },
}: ShowroomProps) {
  return <div>This is item No. {listingId}</div>;


How to get query parameters in App Router pages?

You can’t use useRouter with App Router pages

How to use useRouter with App Router pages?

Use ‘use client’ directive and use useSearchParams() hook

How to get query parameters in App Router pages using useRouter?

Passing the right dynamic route value

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Use Your Own Router with AT&T Fiber Internet | 2020 ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

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