How to refresh bower package certificate? – Bower

Ali Hasan
angular-touch boot2docker bower

Quick Fix: Configure the ".bowerrc" file with the following parameters:

"strict-ssl": false,
"https-proxy": "".

The Problem:

The build process for a Docker container fails with the error ‘certificate has expired’ when attempting to install a Bower package. The issue has recently surfaced despite the build process working successfully for an extended period. The objective is to find a way to refresh or update the missing certificate to resolve the error and allow the build to complete successfully.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Refreshing Bower Package Certificate

To refresh the Bower package certificate, locate the “.bowerrc” file in your project directory and add the following lines to it:

"strict-ssl": false,
"https-proxy": "",

This approach is a workaround and not considered best practice. However, it can be useful when dealing with outdated Bower plugins or using Bower as a whole, which is also not considered best practice.

Solution 2: Workarounds for expired certificates

In the case of using older Debian distributions like those in `node:6` and `node:4` Docker images, the letsencrypt certificate of might have expired. To work around this issue:

For node:6 / Debian Stretch:

  1. Remove the expired letsencrypt X3 certificate and install the new ISRG X1 root CA:

    # manually remove expired letsencrypt X3 certificate and install the new ISRG X1 root CA 
    RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/ca-certificates/letsencrypt/ \
      && cd /usr/share/ca-certificates/letsencrypt/ \
      && curl -kLO \
      && perl -i.bak -pe 's/^(mozilla\/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt)/!$1/g' /etc/ca-certificates.conf \
      && update-ca-certificates
  2. Instruct bower to use the system-wide CA system:

    RUN NODE_OPTIONS=--use-openssl-ca bower install ...

For node:4 / Debian Jessie:

Since it’s not possible to force this older npm version to use openssl-ca, disable SSL checking instead:

cat <<EOF > .bowerrc
  "registry": "",
  "strict-ssl": false,
  "https-proxy": "" 

Solution 3: Point to newer registry in `.bowerrc`

The error message indicates that the certificate used by the Bower registry has expired. To resolve this issue, you can update the registry URL in your `.bowerrc` file to point to a newer registry.

  "directory": "bower_components",
  "registry": ""

Solution 4: Remove old bower-cache

Usually this error occurs due to mismatch between the dependency version in the project and the version present in the bower-cache. Follow this step to resolve the issue:

  1. Delete the bower-cache:
   rm -rf ~/.bower/cache
  1. Update bower version:
   npm install -g bower 
  1. Re-run the bower install command:
   bower install  --allow-root
  1. Check for the updated Bower cache:
   ls ~/.bower/cache

Note: Use bower list to check what packages you have installed in bower.

**Solution 1**

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How to refresh a missing certificate?

Add this to your Dockerfile, just before you are doing the bower install as a workaround:

An alternative method to refresh certificate?

bower install still works for newer versions of node. From what I noticed, the certificate stopped working for the version 6, 7 and 8.

Where to find the git url for all bower packages?

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Installing Node.js and Git | Install Angular from Bower - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

In this video we will learn from where to download Node.JS and git and how to install those. Also learn how to install Bower, Angular.