How to update an image frame displayed in Flet – Flet

Maya Patel
flet python

Quick Fix: Update the image source with the new base64-encoded string after retrieving the updated image data. Use the image1.update() method to reflect the changes on the page.

The Problem:

In Flet, how can I update an image frame dynamically that is displayed in an animated switcher? I have an image recognition prompt that needs to constantly save and delete images, and the displayed image should change accordingly. However, when I try to update the image using ft.Image() and page.update(), the image remains the same, even if I replace it on the OS. Other methods like container updates and controls updates also fail to update the image.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Reload Image on Update Test

To update an image frame displayed in Flet, consider the following solution:

  1. Import Necessary Libraries:

    • Import numpy as np.
    • Import the Image module from flet and import BytesIO from io.
    • Import Image from PIL (Python Imaging Library).
  2. Load and Convert the Image:

    • Specify the image path image_path where the image is located.
    • Use PIL to open the image at image_path and convert it to a NumPy array using np.asarray().
    • Convert the NumPy array back to a PIL image using Image.fromarray().
  3. Create a Buffer and Save the Image:

    • Create a BytesIO object called buff.
    • Save the PIL image to the buffer using, format="JPEG").
  4. Define the Main Function:

    • Create a main() function that takes a page parameter.
    • Encode the buffer’s contents to a base64 string using base64.b64encode().
    • Create a flet.Image object named image1 and set its src_base64 property to the base64 string.
    • Set the page’s window width and height.
  5. Define the updateTest() Function:

    • This function will update the image when a button is clicked.
    • Read the image path again to ensure you have the latest version.
    • Repeat the process of loading, converting, and saving the image.
    • Obtain a new base64 string from the updated image.
    • Update the src_base64 property of image1 with the new base64 string.
    • Call image1.update() to apply the changes.
  6. Add the Controls to the Page:

    • Add the image1 image and a ft.TextButton with the label "Test" (that calls updateTest() when clicked) to the page.
  7. Run the Flet App:

    • Call to run the Flet application with main() as the target function.

When you click the "Test" button, the updateTest() function will reload the image from the specified path, convert it, and update the image1 control with the new image data. This will refresh the displayed image frame with the latest version of the image.


How to update an image frame in flet when the underlying file is modified?

Redeclare the file path to force Flet to search for the file again.

How to load an image from disk and display it in Flet?

Use Python’s built-in Image module to read the image and convert it to a base64 string.

How to update the image in Flet when the underlying file is modified?

Assign the new base64 string to the src_base64 property of the Image control and call the update() method.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Flet Tutorial - Frameless Window - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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SAMPLE CODE HERE = how to remove title bar and use frameless you window in flet check my video for help you ...