Is there a way to install pytorch on python 3.12.0? – Python

Maya Patel
azure-pipelines python python-3.x pytorch

Quick Fix: Create a virtual environment using Python 3.11 instead of Python 3.12. Refer to the blog post for detailed instructions.

The Problem:

As a developer, I am trying to install the torch package for Python using pip, but I am encountering an error message stating that no matching distribution was found for torch. Is there an alternative approach to installing torch without relying on pip?

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Create a Virtual Environment

To install PyTorch on Python 3.12.0, you can create a virtual environment using the venv module. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open your command prompt or terminal.
  2. Create a virtual environment named venv for Python 3.11:
    py -3.11 -m venv venv

    Replace py -3.11 with the path to your Python 3.11 interpreter if it’s not in your system path.

  3. Activate the virtual environment:

    On macOS, use:

    source ./venv/bin/activate
  4. Once the virtual environment is activated, you should see (venv) prepended to your command prompt, indicating that you’re now working in the virtual environment.
  5. Within the virtual environment, you can install PyTorch:
    pip install torch
  6. After the installation is complete, you can verify it by running:
    python -c 'import torch; print(torch.__version__)'

Your terminal should display the version of PyTorch that was installed.

Creating a virtual environment ensures that the PyTorch installation is isolated from the rest of your system, preventing potential conflicts with other packages or system libraries.

Solution 2: Using the nightly version

It is now possible to install PyTorch on Python 3.12.0 by using the nightly version. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Go to the PyTorch website ( ) and scroll down to the "Nightly Builds" section.

  2. Find the link for the nightly build for your operating system and Python version. For example, if you are using Windows and Python 3.12.0, you would click on the link for "Windows (Python 3.12.0)".

  3. Once the download is complete, open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the file.

  4. Run the following command to install PyTorch:

pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

This will install PyTorch, torchvision, and torchaudio, which are all part of the PyTorch ecosystem.

Once the installation is complete, you can verify that it was successful by running the following command:

python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

This should output the version of PyTorch that you have installed.

Note: Using the nightly version of PyTorch is not recommended for production use, as it may be unstable. However, it can be useful for testing new features or if you need to use PyTorch on a version of Python that is not yet officially supported.

Solution 3: PyTorch support for Python 3.12.0 is not available yet.

PyTorch currently supports Python versions up to 3.11.x. Therefore, it is not possible to install PyTorch on Python 3.12.0 at the moment. You may consider installing the latest version of Python 3.11 instead, which is 3.11.6, to ensure compatibility with PyTorch.

Solution 4: Downgrade Python Version

The issue arises due to the incompatibility of Pytorch with Python 3.12.0. To resolve this, you need to downgrade your Python version from 3.12.0 to 3.11.5, which is the latest compatible version with Pytorch. Here are the steps to downgrade Python:

  1. Uninstall Python 3.12.0:

    • Open Control Panel.
    • Click on "Programs and Features."
    • Select Python 3.12.0 and click on "Uninstall."
  2. Restart your computer.

  3. Download Python 3.11.5:

    • Go to the official Python download page.
    • Select Windows as your platform and download the executable file for Python 3.11.5.
  4. Install Python 3.11.5:

    • Run the downloaded executable file and follow the installation instructions.
    • Make sure to select the option to add Python to your PATH environment variable.
  5. Restart your computer again.

  6. Verify Python Version:

    • Open a command prompt or terminal window.
    • Type python --version and press Enter.
    • You should see "Python 3.11.5" as the output.

Once you have downgraded to Python 3.11.5, you should be able to install Pytorch using pip without any issues:

pip install torch


Is there a way to install pytorch on python 3.12.0?

No, PyTorch currently doesn’t support Python 3.12.0

Is it possible to install PyTorch without using pip?

No, installing PyTorch without pip is not possible

Are there any alternative methods to install PyTorch?

Yes, you can install PyTorch using the nightly build or by downgrading your Python version to 3.11.5

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Install Python 3.12.0 on Windows 10/11 | PIP & Path .EXE ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

Play video

Step-by-step tutorial on how to install Python 3.12.0 or 3.11.5 on Windows 10! In this Python installation guide, we will cover everything ...