How to upload files with the OpenAI API – Openai-api

Ali Hasan
chatgpt-api openai-api

Quick Fix: For Node.js, create a File object using new File(), upload it via openai.files.create({file, purpose: "assistants"}).

The Problem:

Upload files to OpenAI API. The API documentation specifies a file parameter, but it is unclear how to include the actual file content when making the request.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Using File Object in Node.js

For Node.js users, Open AI accepts a File object created using `new File()`. To upload a file using this method:

// Create a File object with the file content, name, and type
const file = new File([blob], 'example.txt', { type: 'text/plain' });

// Send the file to Open AI using the `files.create` method
const upload = await openai.files.create({
  file: file,
  purpose: "assistants",

Solution 2: Uploading Files with OpenAI API

To upload files using the OpenAI API, follow these steps:

  1. Set your OpenAI API key using openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY").

  2. Create a file object using openai.File.create(). Pass the file path and purpose of the file (e.g., 'fine-tune'). The file parameter expects a file object, not a filename. Therefore, open the file in binary mode using open(filepath, "rb").

  3. Store the response from openai.File.create() in a variable, as it contains the file_id and other information.

  4. Use the file_id to create a fine-tuning job using openai.FineTuningJob.create(). Pass the file_id ( in the example code) and the desired model (config.BASE_MODEL in the example) as arguments.

  5. Check the status of the fine-tuning job by retrieving it using openai.FineTuningJob.retrieve(

  6. To obtain the generated model ID, monitor the status of the fine-tuning job until it completes using python --state {}.

Solution 3: File upload methods

To upload files using the OpenAI API, you have two options:

Using curl:

  • Append the file information using the -F command followed by the filename/path.

Using Postman:

  • In the Body tab, select "form-data" and change the "key" field from "Text" to "File". Click "Select File" to choose the file to upload.
  • Alternatively, click "binary" and select the file.


How to upload a testing file with Open AI?

Create a new File object using new File() and assign to the file parameter in openai.files.create().

How to upload a training file with Open AI?

Use curl’s -F command followed by the filename/path or use Postman’s form-data or binary options.

What file format should a training file be?

JSONL, where each line of the file is a JSON object.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "OpenAI Assistants API tutorial: Assistants, file uploads, retrieval ...", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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Learn how to programatically upload files and assign them to assistants with the OpenAI Assistants API. This tutorial will teach you how, ...