How to use <Code> in an Astro project without getting: "Astro components cannot be rendered directly via function call" – Astro

Ali Hasan
astro micro-frontend reactjs

Quick Fix: To use <Code> within an Astro project while avoiding the error, embed the component into a React component using a slot, allowing it to receive the rendered code as its children prop.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Use Slots

In Astro, you cannot directly render Astro components within React components due to the architectural differences between the two frameworks. Instead, you can use slots to pass the Astro component’s rendered output to the React component:

import CodeViewer from '../components/CodeViewer.jsx'
import { Code } from 'astro/components'

  <Code code={`const foo = 'bar';`} lang="js" />

This way, the React component receives the rendered Astro component as its children prop.

Additional Considerations:

Keep in mind that Astro components are rendered on the server and cannot re-render in the browser like React components. If you require dynamic state that affects the `` component’s props, this approach won’t be suitable, as Astro cannot re-render its components.


How to use <Code> in an Astro project without getting: "Astro components cannot be rendered directly via function call"

You cannot use an Astro component inside a React component like this.

How to use <Code> in an Astro project without getting: "Astro components cannot be rendered directly via function call"

You have to pass an Astro component to a React component via a slot.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Use NotebookLM (Google's New AI Tool) - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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24 hours ago ... Google's NotebookLM is way more than notetaking, writing, or organizational tool. It's an AI collaborator, grounded in your data with your ...