How to use the latest version of @ffmpeg/ffmpeg in a React.js project? – Ffmpeg

Ali Hasan
ffmpeg reactjs video-processing video-streaming

Quick Fix: Refer to the detailed post by library author on changes and migration guide to shift to @ffmpeg/ffmpeg version 0.12.0 in your React.js project.

The Problem:

A React.js developer wants to incorporate the latest version of @ffmpeg/ffmpeg library for video processing within the application. The API and functions of the library have changed in the latest update, and the developer is seeking guidance on how to use the new version, including information about the updated API, new function names, and practices to perform video processing tasks efficiently.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Migrating to the latest version of @ffmpeg/ffmpeg

The latest version of @ffmpeg/ffmpeg introduces significant changes in the API and functions. To migrate to the latest version, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest version of @ffmpeg/ffmpeg:
npm install @ffmpeg/ffmpeg@latest
  1. Import the package and functions:

In the latest version, you need to import the FFmpeg class instead of the individual functions:

import { FFmpeg } from '@ffmpeg/ffmpeg';
  1. Create an instance of FFmpeg:

To create an instance of FFmpeg, use the following syntax:

const ffmpeg = new FFmpeg();
  1. Load the FFmpeg WASM module:

Before you can use FFmpeg, you need to load the WASM module. This can be done asynchronously using the load() method:

await ffmpeg.load();
  1. Check if FFmpeg is loaded:

After loading the WASM module, you can check if FFmpeg is loaded by checking the loaded property:

if (ffmpeg.loaded) {
  // FFmpeg is loaded and ready to use
  1. Perform video processing tasks:

Once FFmpeg is loaded, you can perform video processing tasks using the various methods provided by the FFmpeg class. Some common tasks include:

  • Decoding a video:
const video = await ffmpeg.FS('readFile', 'input.mp4');
const decodedVideo = await ffmpeg.decode(video);
  • Encoding a video:
const inputVideo = await ffmpeg.FS('readFile', 'input.mp4');
const outputVideo = await ffmpeg.encode(inputVideo, 'output.mp4');
  • Muxing audio and video:
const audio = await ffmpeg.FS('readFile', 'input.mp3');
const video = await ffmpeg.FS('readFile', 'input.mp4');
const outputVideo = await ffmpeg.mux(audio, video, 'output.mp4');
  1. Additional resources:


Is there any guide for migrating to the latest version of @ffmpeg/ffmpeg?

Yes, there is a migration guide available.

How to perform video processing tasks with the latest version of @ffmpeg/ffmpeg?

The detailed documentation with examples can be found on the official website.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "MP3 to Video App using FFMPEG / React - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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