I don't manage to send my authorization token to retrieve a profile with RTK Query – Javascript

Ali Hasan
django-authentication react-redux reactjs redux-toolkit

Quick Fix: Create an authorization slice to manage the token, and dispatch an action to set the token. Use [onQueryStarted][1] to update the authorization state when a query starts. Then, in the base query function, set the authorization headers using the token from the authorization slice.

The Problem:

I am facing difficulty in sending an authorization token to retrieve a profile using RTK Query. I can successfully log in and obtain the token, but I’m unable to pass it in the header for the subsequent request to retrieve profile data. I’ve explored various approaches, including setting the token in prepareHeaders, but I’m still encountering an issue where the token is missing from the header. I’ve reviewed documentation, tutorials, and attempted several solutions without success.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Store the authorization token in a global state and access it using a selector function

This approach involves creating a global store that holds the authorization token. You can use Redux or any other state management library for this purpose. After logging in, store the token in the global state. Then, in your API call to retrieve the profile, use a selector function to access the token from the global store and set it as the Authorization header.

Solution 2: Use Redux Persist

In the second solution, we’ll use Redux Persist to persist the authentication token in local storage. This way, the token will be available even after the page is refreshed.

  1. Install Redux Persist: Start by installing Redux Persist and Redux Toolkit.
  2. Create an Auth Slice: Create a separate slice for authentication state, such as `authSlice.js`, to handle user login and store the authentication token.
  3. Configure Redux Persist: In the store configuration (`store.js`), use redux-persist to persist the auth slice. Ensure that the API slice reducer is excluded from persistence to prevent conflicts.
  4. Update API Slice: In the `ApiSlice.js` file, modify the prepareHeaders function to retrieve the authentication token from the persisted auth slice. This ensures that the token is added to the request headers for protected API endpoints.
  5. Persist Authentication Token: In the login component (`LoginPage.jsx`), use the useEffect hook to persist the authentication token in the auth slice when a successful login occurs.
  6. Retrieve Profile: When the user clicks the “Get Profile” button, the token will be automatically included in the request headers, allowing you to retrieve the user’s profile successfully.

By using Redux Persist, you can persist the authentication token in local storage, ensuring that it remains available even after the page is refreshed. This resolves the issue of the token being undefined and allows you to retrieve the user’s profile successfully.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "”Ed", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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