[Fixed] ImportError: PyO3 modules may only be initialized once per interpreter process – Pyo3

Ali Hasan
boot2docker django django-rest-framework llama-cpp-python pyo3

Quick Fix: Downgrade cryptography to a previous major version:

pip install cryptography==40.0.2 --upgrade

The Problem:

An ImportError: PyO3 modules may only be initialized once per interpreter process error occurred in a Django project running in a Docker container. The error appears when the container is brought up using docker-compose and points to a module that was previously imported and initialized. The root cause and solution to this issue need to be identified to ensure the project runs correctly within the Docker environment

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Downgrade python package `cryptography`

If you upgraded the python package `cryptography` to a newer version, downgrade it to the previous major version. This has resolved the issue in similar cases:

pip install cryptography==40.0.2 --upgrade


PyO3 modules may only be initialized once per interpreter process.

Downgrade cryptography version to fix

Video Explanation:

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