[Fixed] KeyError at / 'daily' – Keyerror

Ali Hasan
backend django keyerror python

Quick Fix: Add a check for the presence of the ‘daily’ key in the forecast response using ‘if’ ‘daily’ in ‘forecast_response’. If ‘daily’ is found, proceed as before. Otherwise, display an error message with forecast_response[‘message’] to inform the user of the issue.

The Problem:

In a weather API integration, the forecast API response appears to be missing the expected ‘daily’ key, resulting in a KeyError while attempting to iterate through daily weather forecasts. Despite verifying the API key and the overall response structure, the ‘daily’ data is not accessible. The goal is to troubleshoot this issue and uncover the cause of the missing ‘daily’ key, enabling the code to correctly fetch daily weather forecasts.

The Solutions:

Solution 1: Handling API Request Errors and Checking for 'daily' Key

In this improved solution, we handle potential errors in the API requests and gracefully deal with the absence of the ‘daily’ key in the forecast response:

  1. Before parsing the JSON response from the current weather API, check its status_code. If it’s not 200 (indicating a successful request), print an error message and return None for both the weather data and daily forecasts.

  2. Do the same for the forecast API request. If the status_code is not 200, print an error message and return None for weather data and daily forecasts.

  3. After successfully parsing the current weather response, extract the latitude and longitude of the city. Use these values to construct the forecast URL.

  4. Send the forecast request and check its status_code. If it’s not 200, print an error message and return None for weather data and daily forecasts.

  5. Parse the forecast response and check if the ‘daily’ key is present. If it is:

    • Loop through the first five daily forecasts, extracting information like the day of the week, minimum and maximum temperature, weather description, and weather icon.
  6. If the ‘daily’ key is not present:

    • Print an error message with the error message from the API response and return None for weather data and daily forecasts.
  7. Finally, return the weather data and daily forecasts as a tuple.

By incorporating these checks, you can handle API errors more effectively and explicitly address the issue of the missing ‘daily’ key in the forecast response.


What is causing the KeyError in the forecast data with the ‘daily’ key?

The API key might be incorrect or invalid.

How can I handle a situation where the ‘daily’ key is missing in the forecast response?

Check if the ‘daily’ key exists before accessing it to avoid the KeyError.

What are the alternate ways to handle the KeyError ‘daily’?

Implement API key validation and handle the error response with proper messaging.

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "How to Resolve KEY ERRORS in Python! - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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