[Fixed] Llama-cpp-python on AWS Sagemaker – Failed building wheel for llama-cpp-python – Python

Ali Hasan
amazon-sagemaker c++ huggingface-datasets langchain llama-cpp-python

Quick Fix: Install Visual C++ on your local machine or in the cloud environment. Ensure that VC++ is added to the PATH variable.

The Problem:

When attempting to install the ‘llama-cpp-python’ package using ‘pip’ on an AWS Sagemaker Notebook Instance, the installation fails with an error stating that building the wheel for ‘llama-cpp-python’ did not run successfully. This error occurs despite using an instance with ample GPU memory (ml.g5.2xlarge or ml.g4dn.2xlarge) that should not encounter memory issues.

The Solutions:

Solution: Install Visual C++

The error “Failed building wheel for llama-cpp-python” is because the Visual C++ build tools are not installed on your machine. You need to download and install Visual C++ and place it in the PATH environment variable to resolve this error.


What is needed to be able to install llama-cpp-python on sagemaker?

Visual C++ on your machine

Video Explanation:

The following video, titled "Failed building wheel for llama-cpp-python - YouTube", provides additional insights and in-depth exploration related to the topics discussed in this post.

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... AWS Bedrock https://youtu.be/tvsRAtZZ_Sc ▷ Oobabooga https ... Failed building wheel for llama-cpp-python. 4.5K views · 7 months ago ...